Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2018 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker
Cllr. F. Collison
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B. Covil
Cllr. R. Hayward
Cllr. A. Linscer
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
In Attendance:Cllr. I. Blair-PillingWiltshire Councillor
Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council


Cllr. Blair-Pilling reported that:

  • The new Electoral Boundary which includes Netheravon will be called Avon Valley if accepted by the Boundary Commission.
  • The Family Learning Festival was a great success. However the Shabby Chic workshop which was coming to Netheravon cancelled.
  • The drains in the High Street have been cleared and Ian asked that the officers concerned at Wiltshire Council be thanked. This has already been done.


There were no questions by members of the public.



Apologies were received from: Cllrs. David Jaffray and Trevor Barker



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th October, 2018 be accepted as a true record.



  1. Authorization of Cheques

The following cheques were approved for the months of October/November 2018:

Phoenix Hall Hire £10.00

MOD – water cemetery £36.84

WALC – Councillor Training £42.00

RGV Phoenix Hall Kitchen £290.40

Bramble Signs £65.50

Tool Station – brackets £54.60

Amesbury Printing £60.00

Avon Security WW1 £24.00

Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60

SWAST First Responders £111.65

Payroll £955.92

Use of home as office £30.00

Water2Business – allotments £131.17

Landmarc – Millennium Park £365.00

Citizens Advice Bureau £50.00

Royal British Legion £68.50

Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60

  1. Bank reconciliation

Balance in accounts: £32,237.07


  1. It was RESOLVED that a grant of £100 be given to the Youth Club for craft materials


  1. Budget.   Extra items to put in the Budget were discussed and agreed.   The Clerk to produce a budget for approval in January.



  1. Planning

Cllr. Burke reported that were 4 planning application for the months of October and November.

18/10273/TCA WORK TO TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA.   Fell one beech tree and crown reduce one beech tree at Cormayles, Lower Road.

Parish Council Comments: No Objections

18/10341/TCA WORK TO TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA.   Crown reduce and pollard 5 willow trees and fell 1 cherry tree at The Old Mill, Mill Road.

Parish Council Comments: No Objections

18/10431/TCA WORK TO TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA.   Fell one weeping cherry tree, and fell one holly tree at Old Brewery Cottage, High Street

Parish Council Comments: Support, but would like new holly tree planted elsewhere in the garden.

18/09166/VAR VARIATION OF CONDITIONS to replace the rear and side windows on the function room with 5 roof lights and replacement of the bifold door with a single door.   Also realignment of single storey side extension on public house at Dog and Gun, Salisbury Road.   

Parish Council Comments: No Objections


2. Flooding and Adverse Weather

Cllr. Covil reported that the drains in the High Street were worked on by Wiltshire Council over a period of 3 days and as a result they are now completely clear of roots and the road does not flood.

Cllr. Burke reported that he has picked up a quantity of signs, salt, sand, sandbags, gel sacks and tabards for the Parish Council emergency store.   This equipmentwas given to the Parish by Wiltshire Council.   It was suggested that part of the bus shelter on the High Street be turned into an Emergency Store so that all emergency supplies are in one place.

Emergency Plan   A special meeting will be called in January.


3. Highways.

The Clerk reported that the logo was sent to Wiltshire Council for the Netheravon Gateway signs and it was accepted.    The finished design has been sent to the Parish Council for comment.


4. Cemetery/Enhancement

It was agreed that the 40 trees to commemorate the 40 men of the three villages who lost their lives in WW1 will be planted in the Cemetery at 10am on Saturday, 24th November.   A notice will be put on facebook asking for volunteers.


5. Recreation

Cllr. Linscer reported that due to delivery problems the Millennium Park Playground is still not finished.

The Clerk agreed to contact Plantlife for advice about the wild area in the Millennium Park.


6. Allotments

The wood on the allotment at Piggot Close has now been cleared.   The vacant allotment has been taken.


7. Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Coslett reported that there has been an increased number of bookings in recent months. Fundraising continues with a Race Night on 16th November.


8. Rights of Way

The Clerk reported that she has had a meeting with Nick Cowen of Wiltshire Council Rights of Way Department.   He has offered advice about Byway 3 and Byway 7.   He will be attending the next Area Board which will be held in the Phoenix Hall on 26th November.




  • Tidworth Community Area Board


The next Area Board is on 26th November in the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon.  The Cheerful Cuppa will provide refreshments.



Cllr. Coslett explained that the Phoenix Hall continues to lose money even with increased hirings.   The running costs are high and take all the income so that nothing is left to improve the Hall and replace outdated equipment.

After much discussion the Parish Council agreed by 7 votes to1 to raise the Parish Precept to enable them to support the Phoenix Hall which is struggling to cover day to day expenses.   This is a facility which is owned by everyone in the Village so by increasing the precept by 27pence a week for a Band D property the Phoenix Hall Management Committee will not have the worry of how to pay their bills, but will be able to concentrate on improving the Hall and replacing dilapidated fittings which have been there since the Hall was built in 1985.  This financial support will last the term of the Council.   It will be reviewed again in 2021 when a new Council is elected.    Cllr. Linscer voted against this proposal.



  1. The Clerk advised that she has reported several lighting faults:
  • Lights in Choulston Farm Road
  • Light on the corner of Queensway
  1. The Clerk reminded Councillors of the meeting called by the RA Museum on 5th December, 2018 to inform and discuss the proposed Museum.




  1. All email correspondence has been forwarded to Councillors.




1. Cllr. Coslett reported a street light in the High Street is not working.



Thursday 10th January, 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall