Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 13th June 2024 at 7p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. R. AylingChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B.Covil
Cllr. P. Mackay
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry
Mrs DA CorbettParish Clerk
Cllr. S. O’Grady
In Attendance:No members of the Public were present


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. He thanked everyone that had been involved in getting the Village Newsletter completed and all those involved in the D Day Commemoration Beacon event, that went very well which was supported by all 3 parishes. Thank you to all the Volunteers who made this event a respectful and well organised event.


None received.


No members of the public were present



Apologies received and accepted from:

Cllr Andy Bridewell.
Cllr Steve Perry.
Cllr Alan Brown.



Cllr Burke declared an interest in letter received from Resident, so signed the Declaration of Interest book and left the room when it was discussed.



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2024 be accepted as a true record.




1 .  The Accounts have been verified by the Internal Auditor and sent off the the External Auditor.

2 .  Authorisation of Cheques

It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for May 24.

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MOD water charges13.50
Hurdcott Landscape99.75
Hurdcott Landscape144.63
Mary Towle use of home as office30.00
Netheravon Newsletter Computer275.00
Mary Towle Hanging Baskets107.08
Mary Towle Stationary75.97
Wiltshire Search & Rescue100.00
Phoenix Hall95.00
Hurdcott Landscape99.79
Hurdcott Landscape144.63
Water to business58.16
Square Meter Media198.45
Andrea Linscar - Internal Audit50.00
Falon Nameplate - Gravemarkers1,081.20
Clear Councils Insurance898.88
Donation to Newsletter in lieu of plants40.00
R Ayling - Website Hosting330.00
Simon Lambourne - Plants for village15.94
Public sub acct BMX Track65.00
DA Corbett home office30.00
Plants for village tubs Sandra Sperry16.00
RGV - de - winterise the standpipes at allotment90.00
Hurdcott Landscape- Millenium99.79
Hurdcott Landscape Cemetery144.63
Hurdcott Landscape - Church552.00
Mary Towle Hanging Baskets159.92
DA Corbett - Beacon Firelighters9.00
D Day wreath from RBL20.00
Shrewton Silver Band - D Day event150.00

2 .    Bank Reconciliation

£26,521.79 all sent figures electronically




1 .   Planning

Cllr. Coslett reported that as of this morning there was no news on the Piggot Close development.
PL/2024/0184 TREE WORKS IN CONSERVATION AREA in the High Street– has been approved by WCC

2 .   Flooding and Adverse Weather

Cllr. Burke reported that as the signs were stored with the salt, some were going rusty and we will need to purchase some more in the future. We will look at purchasing recycled plastic ones which will alleviate the rust problem.

3 .  Highways and Parish Steward

It was reported that another “sink hole” had opened in the High Street. It was reported to WCC and they came and repaired it within the hour. Excellent service.

4 . Cemetery/Enhancement/Netheravon in Bloom

  • Thank you to Mary Towle for buying the Hanging Baskets and to Cllr Coslett for siting them.
  • A date in July needs to be set to judge Allotments and Tubs around the village.

5 .  Recreation

  • An email has been received from WCC stating they have funding to refurbish the local parks, but then want to hand over the responsibility to the Parish Council for maintaining them. In particular this applies to the play park in Old School Close. The email includes a Survey needing to be completed by Early July.
    Chairman asked if everyone agreed to take this on; all in favour. Chairman and Parish Clerk to follow it up
  • Complaint received verbally from a Resident complaining about behaviour at the BMX Track. Reports of Fires being started, aerosols put into them, Police and Fire brigade being called. foul language and loud music being played at the weekend. It as agreed that Parish Clerk speak to our local Police Representative and ask them to include us in an early evening call in. Chairman also going to put a request for respect on Social Media.


6 .   Allotments

  • Clerk reported that the overhanging trees from the Copse in Wexland Ave have been reported to the MOD.
  • There have been items stolen from the allotments near the Dog and Gun PH. Chairman reiterated it was important to report any crime to 101.

7 . Community Allotment and Community Larder

  • Chairman reported that progress is going well to prepare the ground for the new community orchard, the old greenhouse was freecycled when it was taken down.
  • The Chair wanted to pass on his Congratulations to Cheryl for her Senior Keep Fit, Hedge from the Community Larder and Gary and Team from Netheravon Working Mans club for their recent awards at the Stonehenge Area Board event.
  • Clerk to ask the Village Handyman for his help in Strimming the long grass at the Community Allotment.

8 .    Rights of Way

  • Wilton Cart Track (between Wexland Ave and Mill Road) has been cut, but there are a lot of deep ruts. The contractor has agreed to come and cut it again free of charge.
  • Clerk to speak to the Village Handyman regarding the long grass at Corfe just past the Fishing Lakes gates.




a .  Phoenix Hall read out by Cllr P Perry

Finances show a current bank balance of £7,139.16 With an additional £13,703.82 on deposit.

The bookings total for this year is currently £7,943.74

We had a record May invoicing £1,601.87.

June and July both show an increase in bookings on last year.

After 3 months of this new financial year we are £749.37 up on last year or 27%.

Expenditure remains very low at present.

Bookings are coming through but very slow.

Maintenance and Improvements

Nothing to report.

Looking ahead

As normal Friday’s bookings are very disappointing

b.    Jubilee Committee

First Aid kit for the Beacon event brought by the Jubilee Committee thank you.

c.  Stonehenge Community Area Board

The next meeting is on Thursday, 26th September 2024, Chair and Clerk to attend.

d.  All Saints School Liaison

Nothing to report

e.    Netheravon Speed Watch Group

  • Cllr MacKay reported that the trees on the A345 going towards Amesbury are really overgrown and obscuring the view of the speed Camera. Clerk to ask village handyman if he can cut them back again.
  • It was suggested that a tripod would be useful to help steady the camera when in use. Vice Chair or Cllr Coslett may have one, they are willing to donate to assist rectify this problem.
  • Clerk requested to email Graeme Wright to ask about progress of post by Mill Road exit. NPC have agreed to contribute, along with the LHFIG.

f.    D-Day 80 at Washdown

  • The Beacon Event was a great success, the Council agreed to reimburse Cllr Burke for the cost of the toilets.
  • A wreath was also purchased and laid on the War Memorial in the Village

g.  Newsletter

  • The Newsletter was distributed with just a few minor hurdles, which were overcome and the July edition is set to go ahead.
  • Steve Perry, the Newsletter treasurer has now got full access of the bank account, which will help going forward.
  • Another meeting to be held after the July issue has been delivered.
  • There is a position for a volunteer from within Netheravon, Haxton or Fittleton to act
    as the distribution coordinator for the Newsletter.



  • The handover from the previous Clerk is going well. Mrs Towle officially stood down now but is continuing to support.
  • There is a New Clerks course which is online and being delivered on the 26th June 2024 – permission was requested to enrol. – Given.
  • There is a bamboo bush left behind from where one of the trees was felled that looks unsightly – Clerk to ask Contractor about cost for removal.




  • Cllr Perry reported that between Pigott Close and Hales Road there are some really overgrown hedges in the Alley way. – Clerk to have a look.
  • It was asked if the Village Handyman could put some bark at the base of the trees in the Platinum Jubilee Walk. – Clerk to ask.
  • Vice Chair reported that a Village Resident had reported that there was a potentially toxic plant in the Watercourse in the Stream belonging to MOD – Clerk to investigate further.



The next meeting of the Netheravon Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7pm.


Confidential Business

It was RESOLVED in the interest of the public, the next item of business be dealt with as Confidential Business, and the press and public be excluded.

The Clerk would write to the Resident with the response from the Parish Council.