DRAFT - Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 12 September 2024 at 7p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. R. AylingChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. P. Mackay
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry
Cllr. Mr. S. Perry
Cllr A. Bridewell
Mrs DA CorbettParish Clerk
In Attendance:Cllr Ian Blair-PilingWilts Councilor
PC Jodie KingeWiltshire Police
Mark HeskettEnford Parish Council
Resident of Enford


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Police Report

PC Kinge reported that between June and August they had just 7 police involvements and 4 x 999 calls, which is very good. Currently no crime reported, they had 1 x failure to stop – possibly Hare Coursing and reports about the recent rave. This was meant to go on for 3 days and with the help of the organisers they managed to stop it in one.


Cllr Ian Blair Piling informed the meeting about the Youth Fair that is taking place on 29th September

He spoke about Winter Fuel and has offered help and advice to anyone who will be having difficulty and needs help with claiming any benefits that could be available.

Cllr Blair-Piling spoke about the recent planning application for Highview Farm Buildings, there has been an application under permitted development converting agricultural buildings to market homes. 3x3 bedroom and 2x4 bedroom single story buildings.

There is a tight deadline on this, any comments need to be in by 4th October with decision made by 24th October 2024.

It was agreed that a joint meeting with Enford Parish Council would need to be held to receive views on this development.

(Post meeting note meeting booked for 24th September in Phoenix Hall at 1800 hrs)


No questions from the public – only discussion regarding the planning application above.



Apologies received and accepted from:

Cllr O’Grady
Cllr Covil



None received



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 2024 be accepted as a true record



Clerk received an email from the Wiltshire Bobby Van requesting a donation. Council agreed to donate £50.00

It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for July/August 2024.

June/July /Aug Expenditure Notes -
June – Wreath for RBLStill outstanding20.00
WALC – new clerk courseCheque now sent – course completed48.00
Hurdcote Landscape- Milleniumreconciled99.79
Hurdcote Landscape Cemetaryreconciled144.63
Hurdcote Landscape - Churchreconciled120.00
RGV - Repair to Park Fencereconciled55.00
Viking Paper & ink suppliesreconciled92.24
Pam Perry money for Flowers in tubreconciled15.00
Laptop repairsoutstanding170.40
Shrewton Silver bandPd by BACs150.00
PayrollPd by BACs1091.12
Hurdcott Landscapes - MilleniumPd BACs – not on statement yet99.79
Hurdcott Landscapes -CemeteryPd BACs – not on statement yet144.63
Meetings Phoenix Hall60.00
Complaint withheld Lloyds50.00 Credit

2 .    Bank Reconciliation

Bank statement: £9284.61
Savings: £5611.08
Total : £14, 895.69
Not Reconciled £238.40
Total: £14657.29
Difference of + £11.40 (interest?)




1 .   Planning

Since the last Parish Council meeting there have been 2 new items come before the planning committee.

PL/2024/07105 – Cormayles. To remove one tree and to fell another. Classified as dead and dangerous there was no requirement to go through the usual planning application process. Decision was confirmed by WC on 29 July 2024.

PL/2024/07460 – Highview Farm Buildings -Netheravon Road. Proposal to change use from agricultural to residential and convert a number of the buildings in to dwelling houses (2 smaller and 2 larger (their words)). Conversation around planning above, decision made to have a Planning Meeting with Enford 24/9/24

2 .   Flooding and Adverse Weather

Flooding in Staggs Lane - My wilts case number 00178671 which was reported on the 12/7/24 stated that the area is not maintained by Wilts council so have closed the case - Clerk to write to the MOD

Drains blocked in layby going out of the village on the right by gravel to do repairs - Reply from WCC – “ I will come back and check when the materials have been moved/ used. I will also put any necessary cleaning of the gullies needed”

Emergency equipment required salt etc – Cllr Burke had asked for Councillors to check Salt bins etc. Orders need to be submitted before 19th September.

3 .  Highways and Parish Steward

Meeting arranged for Monday 23rd with Highways to discuss most pressing problem areas at 1430 Outside Phoenix Village Hall. Councilors asked to forward any issues with drains, flooding etc.

4 . Cemetery/Enhancement/Netheravon in Bloom

Tubs and allotments have been judged and the winners have been informed, with prizes given out at the October Parish Council meeting.

5 .  Recreation

We have received documents about School Close park transfer, which now includes other areas of land that Wilts Council want the Parish Council to take responsibility for. Meeting arranged Friday 20th September 1300 hrs with the Wilts Rural Parks Officer

Draft Lease for Court Farm Road has recently arrived, Cllr Ayling to look over it with the Clerk before we respond.

6 .   Allotments

Nothing to report

7 . Community Allotment and Community Larder

Community Larder continuing to receive fresh fruit and vegetables from the allotment. Chairman thanked the volunteers for giving up their time to work on the allotments.

The grass has been cut on what will become the orchard. Village handy man to be asked to keep it “strimmed” back until ready to plant trees.

8 .    Rights of Way

Damage to Kissing gate but in Fittlton, so Fittleton cum Haxton Parish Council are dealing with it.




a .  Phoenix Hall

The Chairman announced that due to ill health he will be stepping back from his duties until January 2025

Finances show a current bank balance of £6092.23 with an additional £13743.20 on deposit. The bookings total for this year is currently £9075.24

Up to the end of August they are showing an increase over last year of £761.74 or 14% Expenditure remains very low at present.

Bookings have slowed dramatically. They have also had a large number of cancellations for private events.

Maintenance and Improvements

Replaced hall bins.

Looking ahead

As normal Friday’s bookings are very disappointing.

b.    Jubilee Committee

Cllr Burke reported that we still have the Pedal cars, it may be an idea to speak to the Jubilee Committee about selling them.

Equipment including generators and tents were recently borrowed by the church for their fete.

c.  Stonehenge Community Area Board

The next meeting is on Thursday, 26th September 2024, Chair to attend.

d.  All Saints School Liaison

Cllr Bridewell reported that th Head Teacher is now back at work and the date is set for the new school council meeting.

There was discussion about the money the council has that was left from the youth club. Cllr Bridewell will ask the school council for ideas.

Clerk reported that we need children to place the poppies on the commonwealth war graves. Cllr Bridewell said it could be something we can get the 10 members of the school council to do. Ask Mary Towle to help with all the sitings.

e.    Netheravon Speed Watch Group

Figures received from the police and sent to all councilors. We should have one more report in November.

f.  Newsletter

Cheerful Cuppa have fundraised for the newsletter and a cheque will be with them shortly. Council to vote on amount they are giving in the October meeting. Clerk to ask Fittleton cum Haxton if they are going to support the newsletter too.



Clerk asked for permission to book on courses -financial and election ones coming up. Council agreed that she can go ahead and book.

In person course for new councillors is now 30th October, any interested councillors to liaise with Clerk who will make a group booking.

Our Village handyman has completed painting the bus shelter in the high street and also put logs and bark chippings around the new cherry trees in between Queensway and Court Farm Road which looks really nice.




Further correspondence received regarding the Cob Wall behind High St – further investigation is being carried out to determine ownership. Meeting with the school planned Tuesday 17th September

Letters received from a concerned resident regarding the state of the footpath on A345 and request for Double white line A345 – response was that footpath issue will be raised with Highways during our meeting presently. We need to wait until the end of the speed trial to see results before we take any suggestions about double white lines forward.



Just the state of Mill Road gullies that it is hoped will be raised at the meeting with the Highways



The next meeting of the Netheravon Parish Council will be on Thursday 3rd October 2024 at 6.30 for the awards for Netheravon in Bloom continuing with Parish Council meeting at 7pm.