DRAFT - Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 11th July 2024 at 7p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. D. BurkeChairman
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. P. Mackay
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry
Cllr. S. O’Grady
Cllr A. Bridewell
Mrs DA CorbettParish Clerk
In Attendance:Cllr Ian Blair-PilingWilts Councilor


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Cllr Blair-Piling reported that all parking machines in Wiltshire are being replaced, starting with Marlborough, as well as card they should all take cash.

He also reported that he is attending Town Hall meetings with Cllr Wright to assist with the resettlement of the Afghans in the area, reminding people that these people were the people who had helped the British when we were in Afghanistan.


No members of the public were present



Apologies received and accepted from:

Cllr Ayling
Cllr Covil



None received



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2024 be accepted as a true record



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Plants for village tubs Sandra Sperry16.00
RGV - de - winterise the standpipes at allotmentStill outstanding90.00
Hurdcote Landscape- Millenium99.79
Hurdcote Landscape Cemetary144.63
Hurdcote Landscape - Church552.00
Mary Towle Hanging Baskets100 credit159.92
DA Corbett - Beacon Firelighters9.00
D Day wreath from RBLStill outstanding20.00
Shrewton Silver Band - D Day eventStill outstanding150.00
Toilet Hire for D Day event to RGV100.00
Items for Cllr Perry to repair post on Jubilee Walk16.49
New Clerk course with WALCStill outstanding48.00
Washer on tap at allotments60.00

It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for June 2024.

Bank Reconciliation

£18,711.93 all sent figures electronically




1 .   Planning

PL/2024/05482 – 1, Wexland Avenue – building a side extension on the western edge of the house to convert the existing garage in to a store room and have a small utility attached to the house. As there is existing off-street parking loss of a garage is not a big consideration. Recommended to approve.

For completeness of information.
On 2nd July NPC had confirmation that the Planning Inspectorate has dismissed the appeal lodged concerning planning permission on the land at Pigott Close. Case APP/Y3940/W/23/3324066. The land will not have houses facing A345 built on it. The pair of semi-detached houses already approved fronting Pigott Close remain approved. The land remains up for sale.

2 .   Flooding and Adverse Weather

It was reported that the Gullies in the High Street were blocked and causing flooding in the recent heavy storm. -Clerk to report to WCC

Mill Road, Thorne Road drain is also blocked with weeds being 2 ft high. – clerk to report to WCC

Chippings have been delivered to the layby on the way into the village also blocking the drain – Clerk to Report to WCC
Sandbags in Stagg Lane need to be removed as it is stopping the water from draining into the stream, causing flooding across the road that also goes out on to the A345 – Clerk to report to WCC

The Emergency Response Plan is being updated.

3 .  Highways and Parish Steward

Ask the Parish Steward if they could cut back overhanging branches on the A345 from Court Farm Road to Pigott Close and the footpath needs weed killer spray on path, in the same area.

4 . Cemetery/Enhancement/Netheravon in Bloom

Tubs and allotments have been judged and the winners will be announced later, with prizes given out at the September 12th meeting.

5 .  Recreation

Survey completed to take on maintenance of Old School Close after refurbished by Wilts CC.

Corfe BMX track – Police have visited a couple of times and there has been an improvement in behaviour. (poor weather may have also had an impact)

6 .   Allotments

Nothing to report

7 . Community Allotment and Community Larder

All going well.

8 .    Rights of Way

Wilton Cart Track has been cut again, it is the best they can do with the deep ruts there.




a .  Phoenix Hall

Finances show a current bank balance of £6100.54 With an additional £13717.97 on deposit.

The bookings total for this year is currently £7940.74
June turned out to be better than hoped showing an increase on bookings over last June by £138.00

Up to the end of July we are showing an increase over last year of £996.34 or 21%

Expenditure remains very low at present.

Bookings are coming through but very slow.

Maintenance and Improvements

Blinds for main hall has now been fitted.

Looking ahead

As normal Friday’s bookings are very disappointing.

b.    Jubilee Committee

Request to use the Generator for Fighledean Fest next weekend was agreed for a donation of £50 to the Jubilee Fund

c.  Stonehenge Community Area Board

The next meeting is on Thursday, 26th September 2024, Chair and Clerk to attend.

d.  All Saints School Liaison

Cllr Bridewell has arranged monthly meetings with the School from September.

e.    Netheravon Speed Watch Group

Cllr MacKay reported that the trees on the A345 going towards Amesbury are still an issue obscuring the view of the speed Camera. Clerk to ask village Parish Steward if they can help.

Still awaiting the pole for the second camera, LHFIG reported that it was imminent

f.  Newsletter

We have a couple more people come forward to help with the distribution of the Newsletter, Clerk to work with them at the next issue to show where all the Newsletters need to be dropped off.

Funds continue to be the main worry; it was thought that we needed to target more advertisers. We also need more help with the finance part of it. Another meeting will be sorted soon and hope to invite some of the people who have offered to help.



Spoken to the Community Payback team – they are too busy to take on anymore. Have written to Dale Bird, their coordinator to see if they have another team with capacity.

Harris Fencing – still awaiting disposal – will chase again

Our local group of Community First Responders, who volunteer for South West Ambulance Trust are looking for somewhere to hold their regular Training meetings. They meet monthly but have also got the opportunity to have some at Amesbury Fire Station. If the council would be willing to underwrite the cost of the hire for the Committee room in the Village Hall, some Defib/Basic life support sessions would be provided in return. – Council voted and all agreed to fund this.



Police Report received and forwarded on to all councillors.

High Spotty, Triton House – Cob wall email received. The council discussed and agreed there was nothing further they could do, as a meeting was called for in 2017 and none of the residents took them up on it.



Cllr Perry stated that Mill Road was still bad, but also that the council had marked out areas in the village, especially coming down he Hill into the village so it was though works may be getting carried out soon.



The next meeting of the Netheravon Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th September 2024 at 7pm.