Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 11th April 2019 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. T. BarkerChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B. Covil
Cllr. R. Hayward
Cllr. A. Linscer
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
In Attendance:Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council


Report by Netheravon Wanderers Football Club

Netheravon Wanderers Football Club has been busy working towards the start of the season. which commences in Sept.

Aspire Defence was unable to facilitate the football pitch at the airfield due to costing, so we have secured the pitch in Enford to play at a very reasonable price.  I will continue to chase the pitch at Netheravon in the background.  

The kit we have selected through a public vote is Purple with the away kit being Yellow.  We have also generated lots of interest through our social media campaign.  Training will start on the 9 June at 1130 - this will either be conducted at Enford recreational area or Netheravon airfield (cost dependant).

For your awareness, the games will be played on Sunday mornings.  NWFC will advertise them on the Netheravon Notice board.  Supporters will be welcome.



Apologies were received from: Cllrs. Collison and Jaffray



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th March, 2019 be accepted as a true record.



  1. Authorization of Cheques

The following cheques were approved for the month of March 2019:

ICO (DD) £35.00

Mr. G. Allen – wire for fence £13.10

Payroll £967.57

  1. Bank reconciliation

Balance to agree with bank statement: £18,177.30

  1. Internal Audit
    It was RESOLVED that Andrea Linscer will carry out an internal audit of the books.



  1. Planning

There were no new planning applications

  1. Flooding and Adverse Weather

Flood Warden Meeting

There will be a meeting on 17th April at Chitterne Village Hall.   The Clerk and Cllr. Covil will attend.

  1. Highways

The Clerk reported that the Gateway Signs have been delayed due to problems with the supplier.   They will be installed as soon as possible.

Parking Leaflet

The Clerk handed round a sample advisory parking leaflet for the Council to look at.   It was agreed that some would be printed off and issued to any persistent offenders agreed by Councillors at a Parish Council meeting.

  1. Cemetery/Enhancement

Netheravon in Bloom

Cllrs Burke, Coslett and Mrs. Mitchell agreed to join the Committee.   Also on the Committee will be the Clerk and Graham Allen.   A meeting will be arranged to organise the new tubs and hanging baskets.

  1. Recreation

Official Opening of ‘Brig’ and Easter Egg Hunt

The Clerk reported that the Youth Club are making up 50 goody bags, drinks and crisps and we will be buying 50 bunnies for prizes in the Easter Egg Hunt.   Cllr. Mrs. Mitchell will buy 3 large eggs as special prizes.   The prize for the naming of the brig and the best fancy dress will be book tokens of £10 each.   The Clerk has ordered a bouncy castle and asked that a team of Councillors will look after it to ensure safety of the children.   The Clerk will do a Risk Assessment on the day.

BMX track

Cllr. Linscer reported that he has been monitoring the BMX track and there is no evidence of adults using it.   He will continue to monitor it.   The Clerk reported that Landmarc are doing tree work in the Corfe and BMX track.

  1. Allotments

The Clerk reported that all allotments have now been filled.

  1. Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Coslett reported:

  • Welcome the arrival of April, and a new funding stream from the PC.
  • Urgently need to replace heating system with cheaper to use operation.  Likely our first call on the funds.
  • Have £1,000 grant from TAB for racking and storage boxes.  This will tidy current store but we are awaiting sign-off of the building control from WCC.
  • Have initiated Gift Aid for the PH, meaning all donations from tax payers can be increased by 25% - a form of increasing our income.  We are looking at VAT recovery as well, although this may be impractical.
  • Ongoing Big Lottery application for new permanent store.  If successful we will apply for permission from both NPC and FPC.
  • Welcomed a new member of the committee, Nigel Jackaman, who will, we hope, be the first school representative for some time to sit on the committee.
  • Planning a Tidy-Up-Morning at the Hall tomorrow 12th April 10-12.  To smarten up its appearance as we approach the better weather.
  • Next PHMC meeting 20/5/19, which is also the AGM. We hope members of the public will attend as well.  There will be a Q&A session.

8. Rights of Way

The Clerk reported that the next Area Board Meeting on 15th May will be a Workshop on Rights of Way and will be held at Collingbourne Ducis Village Hall at 7.00pm.   As many people as possible are encouraged to attend.   Posters will be going up around the Village and articles will be put in the Newsletter.

The Clerk reported that the bridge at the Mill which in the past has been used by children accessing the Mill Pond for fishing is closed as dangerous.   However, the MOD have plans to refurbish it and it will be opened again for fishing in the future.




  • Tidworth Community Area Board

The next Area Board is on 15th May, 2019 in Collingbourne Ducis Village Hall at 7.00pm.

The meeting will be focussed on Rights of Ways.



  1. The Clerk reported that she has been making enquiries about someone to repair the Village Clock.   The Pewsey clock repairers do not do electric clocks.   She has tried further to find anyone else to look at it without success.   She is investigating obtaining quartz movements capable of driving the long hands.
  2. War Memorial.   The Clerk has found someone else to look at our War Memorial, but they are very busy and will give us a quotation as soon as they have a chance to look at it.
  3. She has reported the BT hole by Vicarage Gardens.   She tried to go direct to the contractors without success and then she tried BT without success and so has now passed it on to Wiltshire Council.
  4. The Clerk reported the lorries going at speed through the village and they have moved their signs to B crossing so the lorries now go up the A345 without going through the village.
  5. The Clerk as instructed asked the Council insurers to insure the Music in the Park.   They will do this, but it must be advertised as a Parish Council event run by the Jubilee Committee.



  1. Letter from a resident of Wains Way complaining about the state of Choulston Farm Road.    The Clerk has replied explaining that this road is owned and should be maintained by the MOD.
  2. The Community Police Newsletter has been received and a copy has been emailed to Councillors.
  3. An email has been received from Roger Hayward resigning from the Council as he will be moving out of the Village.   The Chairman thanked Roger for all his hard work for the village over many years and said that he will be missed on the Council.   It was agreed to have a send off party in the Dog and Gun for Roger and Sue.
  4. The Wiltshire Association of Local Councils Newsletter has been received and circulated.



There were no General Parish Matters



Thursday 9th May, 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall.   Annual General Meeting