Minutes of a Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 10th October, 2019 at 7.00 p.m
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr. D. Burke | Chairman |
Cllr. T. Barker | ||
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker | ||
Cllr. B. Covil | ||
Cllr. F Collison | ||
Cllr. C. Coslett | ||
In Attendance: | Mrs. Mary Towle | Clerk of the Council |
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Burgess from Manor Farm attended the meeting to explain to the Council his concerns about the proposal to build the RA Museum in Avon Camp West
Cllr. Blair Pilling reported:
- He is working hard to resolve the traffic problem at the Pound
- He attended a Core Strategy meeting to find out the views of Councillors on where the £10,000 new houses should be built from 2026.
- Gulley emptying email wiltshiresewers@wiltshire.gov.uk
- Wiltshire Council have announced their Clean Air Strategy
- Wiltshire Council have also announced their Homelessness Strategy
- A Community Funding review is taking place
- Friends of the Earth have voted that Wiltshire Council is the best in the country for their carbon reduction plans.
Apologies were received from Cllrs: David Jaffrey and Andy Linscer
There were no Declaration of Interests
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th September, 2019 be accepted as a true record.
1. Authorization of Cheques
The following cheques were approved for the month of September 2019:
Day Centre £400.00
Newsletter £250.00
Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60
Luke Rawlins – RoW cuts £230.00
Mrs. M. Towle – Stationery £40.78
LexisNexis – Local Council Administration £110.99
Payroll £955.23
Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office + plants £70.94
Amesbury Printing £46.46
Playsafety – RoSPA £255.0
Savills – rent increase for allotments £11.29
PKF Littlejohn – external auditors £240.00
Water2Business £177.19
2. Bank reconciliation
Balance to agree with bank statement: £28,950.54
3. Local Council Administration
The Clerk reported that the External Auditor has signed off the accounts with no comments. A notice of Conclusion of Audit will be put on the noticeboard.
4. Donations
It was RESOLVED that the following donations be given:
St. John Ambulance £100
Wiltshire Fire and Rescue £75
Cheerful Cuppa (presents for children + catering at Area Board £150
Cllr. Burke reported that there were no new Planning Applications
2. Flooding and Adverse Weather
- The Clerk reported that RGV have very kindly agreed to pick up a pallet load of salt from the Highpost Depot
3. Highways
- The Clerk was asked by residents of Eastcourt and Westcourt to try to get the bus stop at Avon Camp re-instated. She has been in contact with Salisbury Reds and they have agreed to put the bus stop back.
4. Cemetery/Enhancement
- A working party will be arranged to put up more brackets and mount the poppies with additional names for the fallen of WW2
5. Recreation
- The picnic tables have been ordered for the Millennium Park. The Parish Council will pay for one and the Cheerful Cuppa, with a donation from the Area Board will pay for the other
6. Allotments
- The Clerk reported that the allotment holders with neglected allotments have been written to.
- Cllr. Covil and RGV will winterise the standpipes in the near future.
7. Phoenix Hall
Finances show a current bank balance of £2221.
September income was £796 (£1226 in 2018), and outgoings were £2314 (net £865) (of which £1449 was for chairs in the main hall), (£1471 in 2018) a small trading deficit. The new charge structure has yet to influence the income figures. We look forward to the second injections of Parish Council funds.
The PH has new heaters in the main hall. The storage heaters have fans in them to provide convection heat during the day, from lower cost electricity. The fan heaters are remote controlled by handset, which may take users some time to get to grips with. Painting over the spaces from the old heaters is ongoing.
The PHMC is undertaking a wide-ranging program of renovation and upgrading of facilities. Our maintenance priorities remain:
- New emergency exit doors for the main hall. (£3200)
- New carpet for the committee room. (£800) Grant has been secured for Jan 2020.
We have new curtains in the committee room thanks to a donation of material, and the needlework free of charge by Mrs. Maggie Butler.
The front door key is being changed for a non-copyable version. Effective 23/10/19. This will put the PHMC in control of access to the PH, a requirement of our insurance. A new key safe will be located externally too with regular code changes to protect security. All key holders are requested to contact the Chairman or the Booking Clerk to pay their deposit for the new key.
The PHMC bid for small lottery funds for solar panels on the roof has been rejected. It has yet to decide how to proceed on this project.
A fund-raising event of a Race Night will be held on Saturday 1/2/20.
Charles Coslett, Chairman, Phoenix Hall Committee
8. Rights of Way
Avon Valley Rights of Way Group
The Clerk reported that there is a working party to refurbish the kissing gate at Corfe End Lakes, to build a Wiltshire gate and to clear undergrowth. There is also going to be a mapping exercise to create circular routes.
9. Jubilee Committee
It was reported that there will be a meeting on 22nd October to discuss VE75 and how Netheravon and Fittleton will mark the occasion.
The next Jubilee Committee meeting will be held on 19th November 2019.
- Tidworth Community Area Board
The next Area Board is on 25th November in Phoenix Hall at 7.00pm. It is hoped that councillors will attend as it is local.
- Wiltshire Core Strategy Consultation
Cllr. Burke attended the meeting and reported that they had to consider where £10,000 houses could be built in a plan which will run from 2026 – 2036. They were asked whether the house building should be concentrated on Market Towns, or whether they should be looking at larger villages. They wanted to know whether villages would welcome more housing to make them more sustainable.
- CPR Training By St John Ambulance 6th November 7 – 9pm
- Poppy Crosses - Working Party 27th October
- Flower tubs – working party to remove flowers and take down hanging baskets
- Noticeboard to go into the budget for next year
- Staff Appraisal. It was agreed that a staff appraisal will be carried out.
- Application for Tidworth Area Grant approved for picnic table
- Community Governance Review – The Clerk reported that Figheldean Parish Council support the application to bring part of Airfield Camp into the parish of Netheravon, as long as residents do not object.
- It was agreed to take on the Power of General Competence at the next Annual General Meeting.
The Clerk reported that someone has approached the Council with a view to becoming a Councillor. It was agreed to ask him to the next meeting.
Cllr. Barker announced that due to pressure of work he will have to resign after the November meeting. The Chairman expressed his regret, but understood the reasons.
- Thank you letters have been received from Netheravon Newsletter and Netheravon Day Centre.
- Wiltshire Council briefing note on Mental Health Campaign - by email
- School hedge along Old Post Office Lane needs cutting back. Clerk to contact the School.
- The street lamp outside Verandah Villa is flickering. Clerk to report.
Thursday 14th November, 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall.