Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 9th November, 2023 at 7.00 p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. R. AylingChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. A. Bridewell
Cllr. A. Brown
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B.Covil
Cllr. P. Mackay
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry
Cllr. S. Perry
In Attendance:3 members of the public
Cllr. Ian Blair-PillingWiltshire Councillor
Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council


Cllr. Ayling thanked Councillors for all their hard work in the community especially Cllr. Covil for making sure that Wiltshire Council tidied up the area around the War Memorial in time for Remembrance.


Cllr. Blair-Pilling produced Wiltshire Connect leaflets for the Library and Cheerful Cuppa. He commented that there is a LHFIG (Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group) meeting in the near future and he encouraged someone from the Council to attend to give an update on the A345 Speed Limit.


Two members of the public attended the meeting to raise the question of speed along the A345 by Harefield Crescent. Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling explained that Wiltshire Council decided to start the 40mph speed limit at Stagg’s Lane as the most likely place for the lower speed limit to work. When the trial is over the stretch of road between Netheravon gateway sign and the start of the new speed limit will be addressed. Meanwhile, the Parish Council could apply for funding from LHFIG to put in illuminated ‘Go Slow’ signs.

The Chairman suggested that he meets residents of Harefield Crescent on site to look at the dangerous bus stop and how to address the problem.



No apologies were received



Cllr. Burke declared an interest in planning applications PL/2023/08621 and PL/2023/09085



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2023 be accepted as a true record.




1 .    Authorisation of Cheques


It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for Oct/Nov 2023.

Payroll - September £1009.57
Mrs. M. Towle – Use of home as office £30.00
Landmarc – Mill Pk rent £440.00
Signs in Motion £150.00
Mary Towle - misc £37.00
Redlynch Leisure £1572.00
Hurdcott Landscape £242.42



2 .    Bank Reconciliation

The Balance at the Bank as at 9th November, 2023 is £19334.15




1 .   Planning

Cllr. Coslett reported that there are 4 new planning application:

PL/2023/08964 WORK TO TREES IN CA 2xCherry Trees and 1xPear tree – reduce height to 4m. 2xApple trees and 1xHolly tree – reduce height to 4m. At Old Brewery House, High Street, Netheravon
Parish Council Comments:  Support

PL/2023/08621 FULL PLANNING APPLICATION for installation of PV solar panels on existing modern garage within the curtilage of 116 High Street, Netheravon
Parish Council Comments:  Support

PL/2023/08840 WORK TO TREES IN CA Removing Trees at Coulston Bridge, Wains Way, Millennium Park Netheravon
Parish Council Comments:  Support with condition that the Wains Way tree be replace within 6 months with native species.

PL/2023/09085 FULL PLANNING APPLICATION. Extension to dinghy shed   At River View, Kings Hill, Netheravon
Parish Council Comments:  Support but are concerned that the development closer than 1m from boundary.

PL/2022/08709 Land at corner of Piggot Close/A345.   The refusal of the planning application has been appealed and will be decided on by the Planning Inspectorate.   The application was for 2 houses facing the A345 with 3 parking spaces for each house.

The Parish Council agreed to confirm their objections with the Planning Inspectorate and add that the 12 month trial speed reduction will not reduce the danger to this stretch of road and should not influence the Planning Inspector’s decision.


2 .   Flooding and Adverse Weather

No flooding has been reported. Sandbags were supplied to Mill Cottage.

3 .    Highways (plus Parish Steward)

Cllr. Covil reported that the Parish Steward has cleared all the grips and gullies along Mill Road. He has also organized a road sweeper to come just before Remembrance Sunday.

4 . Cemetery/Enhancement/Netheravon in Bloom

It was agreed to set a date for a working party to move trees in the Cemetery.   The Chairman to ask for volunteers on social media after the January meeting.

5 .  Recreation

The Chairman and Clerk had a meeting with some young users of the BMX track to find out what they would like at the track. They would like a shelter, seating rakes and litter bins. They would also like some sub-soil to repair the jumps. A meeting has been arranged for 2nd December to make a start in clearing the area.

6 .   Allotments

RGV has been asked to turn the water off at the two allotment sites.

7 .   Allotment

The Chairman has had a meeting with Ash Oates who has volunteered to oversee the Community Allotment.  Cllr. Ayling will put a post on social media asking for volunteers to help.

Community Allotment

Cllr. Richie reported that the Community Allotment has been cleared and manure spread for the winter.

The Community Larder

The Community Larder is being well used.

8 .    Rights of Way

Nothing to report.




a .    Phoenix Hall

Finances show a current bank balance of £12080.03 With an additional £6042.61 on deposit.

The bookings total for this year is currently £9776.00
For the first 7 months, we are up by £997.00 or 9.2% on last year.

Bookings for the rest of the year are slow at the moment.

We had a very poor October, and November will be less than last year but in this case its because we had a very good November last year.

Maintenance and Improvements

Redecoration of the building is now progressing, we have only the committee room and small kitchen to go.
Pam managed to source for free 51 new seats for the patio area which in the spring will be cleaned.

A new hand dryer has now been purchased and fitted in the lady’s toilet.

We are pleased to say that we have received an offer of £10000 for the purchase of a generator details are being discussed about the way forward at the moment.

Looking ahead

As usual the hall could benefit with an increase in bookings especially on Fridays now we have lost the youth club.

The hall committee is going to run a race night on the 2nd February.

Steve Perry, Chairman


b.    Jubilee Committee

The Jubilee Committee will be providing funds for a Curry Lunch at the Working Men’s Club after the Remembrance Service.

c.  Stonehenge Community Area Board

The next meeting is on 13th December at Figheldean Village Hall.

d.    All Saints School

Cllr. Andy Bridewell has contacted the School and will be having a meeting with the Head in the near future.

e.    Netheravon Speed Watch Group

Cllr. Mackay reported that all 8 volunteers have been trained. There is a meeting in the Phoenix Hall with speed cameras so that they can familiarize themselves with them.



The suggested response was read out to Councillors and the wording was agreed.   The wording is attached to the minutes.




  • Cllr Bridewell agreed to judge the Advent windows together with a member of the public. The date of judging will be advertised on social media.
  • The Clerk reported that she has complained about the street lighting on Choulston Farm Road and Wains Way on numerous occasions.
  • The Clerk reported that the clock repairer is having difficulty in getting a bevelled glass cut for the Village Clock



All emails have been forwarded to Councillors for their information



A Councillor raised the subject of whether there is someone living in the Mink Farm. The Clerk will report this to the Enforcement Department.



11th January, 2024. 7.00pm in Phoenix Hall