Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 8th October, 2020 at 7.00 p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. A. LinscerChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. R. Ayling
Cllr. F. Collison
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B. Covil
Cllr. T. Gerrard
Cllr. D. Jaffrey
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
Cllr. S. Perry
In Attendance:1 Members of the Public
Cllr. Ian Blair-PillingWiltshire Councillor
Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council



Mrs. Dot Georgeson, who is the Library Volunteers Co-ordinator, spoke about plans for the re-opening of the Netheravon Library.   Netheravon Library will be the pilot for all the other volunteer-run libraries in Wiltshire.   She has done a substantial Risk Assessment to make the Library Covid secure.   The times of opening will be reduced to 2.00pm to 4.00pm Monday and Thursday.   There were several suggestions on shelters for people waiting to get into the Library as only two people plus volunteers will be allowed in the Library at one time.   Cllr. Burke agreed to liaise with Mrs. Georgeson to come up with a viable solution.



Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling made the following points:

  • Durrington Pool will be re-opening on 19th October.   This is the Pool only.   The gym will remain closed.
  • Amesbury Leisure Centre is open



Cllr. Blair-Pilling reported that the Jubilee Committee has not met for some time, but that there are several suggestions for the future:

  1. 3 Day Music Festival involving the whole community
  2. Do something for the lonely at Christmas
  3. Decorate your house for Christmas




The Chairman welcomed the new Councillor, Richard Ayling onto the Council.   The Clerk confirmed that Cllr. Ayling has signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and filled out the Register of Interests on the Wiltshire Council website.




An apology for absence was received from Cllr. Jaffray




There were no Declarations of Interest




It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th September, 2020 be accepted as a true record.




a) Balance to agree with bank statement is £33,492.14

b) It was RESOLVED to approve cheques from Sept 20 to Oct 20 as follows:


Southern Electric – clock      £289.76

Hurdcott Landscapes Ltd     £201.83

Mrs. M. Towle – refuse sacks     £23.38

Phoenix Hall donation + clerk     £6659.00

Charles Coslett - NIB.   £9.03

Mrs. M. Towle – Noticeboard     £357.60

Mrs. M. Towle – Vouchers for prizes NIB     £220.00

Wicksteed Leisure – playground paint     £109.80

Payroll     £1018.26

Hurdcott Landscapes     £201.83

Southern Electric – 2 months clock     £38.61

c)  It was agreed to pay up to a total of £600 to provide part payment of a Community Seat and preparing the site on the corner of Vicarage Gardens.




1 . Planning


Cllr. Burke reported that two planning applications have been received:


20/07767/FUL FULL PLANNING APPLICATION for rear extension to existing premises at The Old Bank, High Street.

Parish Council Comments:  No objections


20/08710/TCA TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA to fell Eucalyptus tree at Dairy Cottage, Kennel Row

Parish Council Comments:  No objections


It was agreed to send a letter of objection about the Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence application for the yard adjacent to Highview, Salisbury Road due to concerns about the dangerous entrance onto the A345.


2 . Flooding and Adverse Weather


  • Cllr. Linscer reported that there was a small working party to have a look at the flooding issue in the layby and to try to find the drain.  This was unsuccessful as the mud has solidified and needs a digger to find the drain.   It was agreed to ask Mr. Burgess if he could use his machinery to find it.   David to Action.


3 . Highways 


Cllr. Covil and Cllr. Collison had nothing to report


The Clerk reported that the Metro-count would be carried out soon.   The Clerk reported that the next stage after the Metro-count would be a Speed Review.   This would have to be partially funded by the Parish Council.   It was agreed that the Parish Council would fund 25% of a Speed Review (£625) and 25% of setting up the Speed Restrictions (£1500).   This would be dependent on the results of the metro-count and a Speed Review and CATG agreeing to fund 75% of the cost.


Parish Steward

Cllr Covil reported that the Parish Steward cut the verges around the village including the verge along the A345 to the Dog and Gun.   The Clerk asked that next time he comes to the village that he be asked to clean the Gateway fences.


4 . Cemetery 


Cllr. Mitchell had nothing to report


5 . Recreation  


Cllr. Linscer reported:

  • There has been a ROSPA inspection.   The report has not yet been received.
  • One of the wheels on the ‘Brig’ in the Millennium Park has been broken off.   This is being repaired at the moment.


Cllr. Gerrard reported:

  • A meeting was held with young people from the BMX track.   They agreed that their preferred choice of entrance gate is a kissing gate which they will fit themselves.   Cllr. Gerrard will overlook the work.   They are also going to put in a dead hedge at the top  end of the track to stop cyclists exiting there as it is too close to the junction with the A345.
  • It was agreed to fund a 1 tonne back of chalk to repair the jumps.


6 . Allotments


Cllr. Covil reported that RGV have been asked to winterize the taps.



7 . Rights of Way


Cllr. Mitchell reported that the shop needs more ‘Paths for All’ leaflets for the Lidbury Camp Walk.   Clerk to Action.


The Clerk reported that she has asked for the Great Lynch Way to be signposted.   It was decided that as it is an unspoilt green lane it would be better that it was not signed as it would encourage 4 x 4’s to use it which would cut up the surface.   Clerk to Action


8 . Netheravon in Bloom


It was agreed that the village is encouraged to decorate their houses for Christmas and that the Parish Council judge run a Best Decorated House competition.   We would give 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes.   Clerk to put item in Newsletter


9 . Jubilee Committee


See report under Wiltshire Councillor’s Report.




a) Phoenix Hall


Our Hall has attracted new hirers since the end of formal lockdown, (a second band for practice, and a Fitness Class) and has started to host some of our old regular users. Currently we have bookings on a regular basis for: Light Dance & Exercise class, 2 bands for their practices, an exercise class, and a Fitness class.  October’s one-off hire bookings include a wedding reception and a prize bingo afternoon.


The unique NHS Track and Trace QR code is in the hall and all visitors are asked to use this when arriving at the hall, in addition to signing the “Sign-in sheet”.  Whilst the “Rule of 6” applies the PHMC cannot predict when our larger regular hire groups coming back to the hall.


The PHMC will soon have to switch on the storage heaters to maintain the fabric of the building as Autumn turns to Winter.  This will raise our electricity costs which, since March, have been mitigated to about 1/3rd of their previous years’ cost.  Current bank balance is £12,671.  We anticipate a further Coop grant and a grant from NPC within the next 2 months. Other income will be severely reduced.  Annual running costs of the Phoenix Hall are about £9,500.


The AGM took place last month, and the new Management Committee Procedures were voted through and are now lodged with the Charity Commission.  The Officers and elected/appointed committee are broadly as last year, details on the Hall’s website.


Plans are well advanced to re-start the 200 Club, and a quarterly lottery-style draw with much larger prizes than in the past.  It is hoped that the first of these will be a “Christmas Draw” with a £350 top prize.  Up to date news will be via the PH website www.phoenixhall.org & via Facebook.

Our Hall has attracted new hirers since the end of formal lockdown, (a second band for practice, and a Fitness Class) and has started to host some of our old regular users. Currently we have bookings on a regular basis for: Light Dance & Exercise class, 2 bands for their practices, an exercise class, and a Fitness class.  October’s one-off hire bookings include a wedding reception and a prize bingo afternoon.


The unique NHS Track and Trace QR code is in the hall and all visitors are asked to use this when arriving at the hall, in addition to signing the “Sign-in sheet”.  Whilst the “Rule of 6” applies the PHMC cannot predict when our larger regular hire groups coming back to the hall.


The PHMC will soon have to switch on the storage heaters to maintain the fabric of the building as Autumn turns to Winter.  This will raise our electricity costs which, since March, have been mitigated to about 1/3rd of their previous years’ cost.  Current bank balance is £12,671.  We anticipate a further Coop grant and a grant from NPC within the next 2 months. Other income will be severely reduced.  Annual running costs of the Phoenix Hall are about £9,500.


The AGM took place last month, and the new Management Committee Procedures were voted through and are now lodged with the Charity Commission.  The Officers and elected/appointed committee are broadly as last year, details on the Hall’s website.


Plans are well advanced to re-start the 200 Club, and a quarterly lottery-style draw with much larger prizes than in the past.  It is hoped that the first of these will be a “Christmas Draw” with a £350 top prize.  Up to date news will be via the PH website www.phoenixhall.org & via Facebook.


Please use www.smile.amazon.co.uk if you buy from Amazon - it will help your village hall.


Charles Coslett, Chairman


b) Tidworth Area Board


No one attended the virtual meeting



REPORT by the Clerk


  • Publicity for the Parish Council in Stonehenge Trader
  • It was agreed that  there will be a working party to put up the poppies and figures on 24th October. The hanging baskets will be taken down at the same time.   Clerk to remind all volunteers by email.
  • It was agreed that a Christmas Tree will be put up and decorated on 28th November.   
  • It was suggested that there will be a lighting up ceremony on 5th December.
  • It was suggested that the Clerk ask Landmarc if they could provide tree
  • Fittleton have given us £60 towards the history website
  • Netheravon Action Plan.  It was agreed that the Clerk would start a Netheravon Action Plan. Any ideas will put it on a plan and the ideas will be categorized long, medium and short term.   This will be a living document with additions when they come up.

McColls – vouchers.   It was agreed that the Clerk will give individual vouchers with cards to the staff at McColls.   Cllr. Mitchell to provide list of names.




It was agreed that the Silver Jubilee Cup be awarded to all the children in the School.




  1.  Letter from resident complaining about the amount of cars parked around the triangle by the Motor Garage and their customers.   It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Motor Garage asking them to use the Church car park where possible.
  2. A thank you card has been received from the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire thanking all residents for all their help during the pandemic.   It was agreed to put this in the Newsletter.



  1. Cllr. Ayling reported that the website was up and running.   He will send a link to all Councillors.   Feedback is welcome.
