Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 8th February, 2024 at 7.00 p.m.
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr. R. Ayling | Chairman |
Cllr. D. Burke | Vice-Chairman | |
Cllr. A. Bridewell | ||
Cllr. A. Brown | ||
Cllr. C. Coslett | ||
Cllr. B.Covil | ||
Cllr. P. Mackay | ||
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry | ||
Cllr. S. Perry | ||
In Attendance: | Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling | Wiltshire Councillor |
Mrs. Mary Towle | Clerk of the Council |
Cllr. Ayling thanked the Wiltshire Councillor Ian Blair-Pilling for all his help with the A345 speed limit trial, getting potholes filled in along Choulston Farm Road and his support with the project to make the bus stop at Harefield Crescent safer for users.
Cllr. Blair-Pilling:
- Stressed the importance of attending LHFIG meetings especially with the aim of getting a safer bus stop at Harefield Crescent
- There will be a meeting with the Highways cabinet member and Highways team at Figheldean Village Hall on 27th March to discuss priorities for the Area. He asked that Netheravon’s top three priorities be sent to Cllr. Graham Wright prior to the meeting.
- The Clerk asked Cllr. Blair-Pilling if he could find out how to apply for a grant to plant a Community Orchard.
No members of the public were present.
No apologies were received
There were no Declarations of Interest
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2024 be accepted as a true record.
1 . Authorisation of Cheques
It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for January/February 2024.
Hurdcott Landscapes £244.63
Salisbury Hospice £50.00
Mary Towle – village clock, misc £35.84
Payroll £1003.36
Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00
Carer Support Wiltshire £100.00
Hurdcott Landscape £244.63
Phoenix Hall £42.00
2 . Bank Reconciliation
The Balance at the Bank as at 8th February, 2024 is £16,404.57
3 . Donation to Carers Support, Wiltshire
It was RESOLVED send a donation of £100 to Carers Support Wiltshire.
4 . Money from disbanded Youth Club
The Clerk advised Councillors that the Youth Club have forwarded their surplus funds of £3170.24 to the Parish Council to use on Youth Projects.
1 . Planning
Cllr. Coslett reported that there is 1 new planning application:
PL/2024/01161 PROPOSED WORKS TO TREES IN A CA to fell one apple tree and one holly tree at Old Brewery House, High Street
Parish Council Comments: Support. The applicant is the Netheravon Wiltshire Councillor and so is known to the planning committee.
2 . Flooding and Adverse Weather
Cllr. Burke reported that no more problems have been experienced
3 . Highways
The Clerk reported that the Village Handyman has cleared all the leaves from the layby opposite the Library and swept the pavement.
4 . Cemetery/Enhancement/Netheravon in Bloom
There is a working party to plant the excess trees in the Cemetery on Saturday, 17th February at 9.00am. Clerk to obtain tree protectors and ties.
It was agreed that before the hanging baskets are ordered an advert should be put on facebook to ask for volunteers to look after them.
5 . Recreation
The Clerk reported that the bins in the BMX track have been vandalized again. Also the cycle rack has been broken and burnt.
6 . Allotments
A meeting was arranged to discuss the possible reduction in size of an allotment in the Piggott Close allotment area. The allotment holder did not attend. It was RESOLVED that the allotment holder be given notice that his tenancy will be terminated as his allotment has not been tended according to his tenancy agreement for two years.
Community Allotment
Nothing to report.
The Community Larder
Nothing further to report.
7 . Rights of Way
It was reported that fencing has been vandalized next to the kissing gate along the Corfe Track.
a . Phoenix Hall
Finances show a current bank balance of £12562.69 With an additional £6062.69 on deposit.
The bookings total for this year is currently £11404.60
For the first 10 months, we are up by 9.3% on last year.
Current bookings with 2 months of the year to go are up by £612.85.
A very successful race night was held which provisionally raised £700. Thank you Alan Wood for your hard work in organizing this event.
Maintenance and Improvements
The guttering has been repaired. Thank you Alan Brown.
Looking ahead
Friday nights have the most availability.
Steve Perry, Chairman
b. Jubilee Committee
Nothing to report. No events planned.
c. Stonehenge Community Area Board
The next meeting is on 29th February at Antrobus House. The Chairman and Clerk to attend.
d. All Saints School
Cllr. Andy Bridewell reported that he had a good first School Council Meeting. A Chair, Vice-Chair and Clerk have been chosen. 8 people are on the Council of all ages at the moment. They have been asked to provide a wish-list of things for the School and the Village.
e. Netheravon Speed Watch Group
The Speed has come down with the erection of two SIDs. Most people are doing less than 40 mph along the stretch by Court Farm Road. The third SID will be going up near Mill Road in March after the next speed assessment.
The Chairman announced the resignation of the Clerk. She will remain in post to finalise the accounts and to give a new Clerk a good handover.
- The Clerk reported that the litter bins are being used for household waste and electrical goods. The Chairman will put an article on fb asking people not to do this as it is flytipping.
- The Clerk advised that it is the Annual Parish Meeting in March. She asked for topics to be discussed at the meeting with the public. She suggested: Speedwatch, D-Day80 Commemoration, Newsletter – report on progress and reports by village organisations.
- Councillors 9th were asked to provide photographs of village events so that the website can be updated.
- There will be a Newsletter Committee Meeting on 15th February and a D-Day80 meeting with Fittleton and Figheldean on 19th February.
All emails have been forwarded to Councillors for their information
There were no General Parish Matters
Annual Parish Meeting 14th March, 2024. 6.30pm in the Phoenix Hall followed by a Parish Council Meeting