Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 8th February 2018 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. T. BarkerChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker
Cllr. F. Collison
Cllr. B. Covil
Cllr. R. Hayward
Cllr. A. Linscer
Cllr. P. Mackay
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
In Attendance:Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council
1 member of the public


The Clerk reported that she forwarded on to all Councillors copies of the Community Policing news which the police produce monthly. Netheravon has had an increase in crime since the last meeting.


Finance highlights:  

  • On course for a balanced budget by end of Financial Year
  • Increasing demand – costs and growth especially child and adult care.
  • Transformations of child and adult care bringing better services at reduced cost.
  • Gov funding reducing to 0 in next 2 years.
  • Social Care levy – 2nd year 3% rise – cannot raise next year
  • Council tax 2.99% rise – max allowed.
  • Increasing charges – discretionary services eg parking, non statutory waste management.
  • Note that Social rents down 1% as dictated by gov, but service charges up 4%.
  • Commercial Policy and Approach
  • No significant reduction of services.

Waste Strategy

  • Survey highlights:
    • Households wanted the Council to help reduce unnecessary waste
    • Some households would travel further to Household Recycling Centres if they had a re-use option
    • Residents wanted to recycle more and would welcome further information
    • Residents supported generating energy from waste.
  • Draft Waste Management Strategy to the March meeting of Committee, this report would also consider the implications for waste management of the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.

Car Parking – 30 Jan Cabinet agreed to increase parking charges to cover inflation and made a range of changes such as removal of free parking bays and free parking in Nov Dec.  Note that the £3.5M profit on parking goes to provide 50% of the bus service subsidy.Electoral Review:  20 Feb Council to decide on proposal for 99 councillors.  Derived from bottom up construction of councillors needed to operate our governance system particularly the cabinet, portfolio, scrutiny and area board systems.  

Overview and Management Scrutiny - Mil Civ Integration Task Group reconvened - I am a member.

Area Board: 2 very interesting presentations on how the Council is addressing rough sleepers and the child hospice in Devizes

Local issues:

  • Suggestion for biannual  Consultation meetings – Not all parishes have responded.
  • Planning:  Not aware of any issues
  • Highways: Village gates proceeding
  • Everleigh HRC:  Problems at Everleigh (drainage and intergrity of concrete retaining walls)  and reduced service. Cost being determined and will be a Cabinet decision. Am very keen to ensure that Everleigh given proper balanced consideration.  Asking for meeting of councillors with Cabinet member 20 Feb.
  • Meeting with Rural Crime Partnership officer tomorrow.


A member of the public attended at the request of the Parish Council to introduce himself as a prospective Parish Councillor.



There were no apologies received



There were no Declarations of Interests



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th January, 2018 be accepted as a true record.



Cllr Burke reported that there is one new application this month:

18/00951/FUL FULL APPLICATION for proposed replacement porch to side of property at 109 High Street.

Parish Council Comments:  Support



  1. Authorization of Cheques and balance

The following cheques were approved for the months of January/February 2018:

Phoenix Hall – kitchen £3200.00

Toddlers Group £50.00

Payroll £891.13

Phoenix Hall – Hire £30.00

Mrs. M. Towle – Payroll Site £27.60

Hurdcott Landscapes £439.60

Total: £4638.33

  1. Bank reconciliation

Balance in accounts: £20,874.46

  1. netheravon.net

The Clerk reported that no answer has been received to the email sent offering payment for looking after the website.



The Chairman announced that a discussion on new committees would be deferred until the March Meeting.

  1. AWF and Stewardship

Flooding in the High Street

Cllr. Burke reported that nothing has happened since last meeting.   The High Street is still flooding when there is a downpour.   It was agreed that when a template for the Flood Plan arrives that a sub-committee will be formed to fill in all the details.   The Clerk will chase Wiltshire Council.

  1. Enhancement and Cemetery


The Clerk reported that she has asked our contractors to find a mole catcher for the Cemetery.

Cllr. Mrs. Barker reported that the fence has been removed and it looks good.    She also reported that Geoff Dyer’s Memorial shelter needs repair.   The old Jubilee benches need new slats and Cllr. Hayward agreed to ask ‘Mens Shed’ if they could do this.

Millennium Park.  

Cllr. Linscer reported that the Quotation for new equipment at the Millennium Park from Sovereign Play is cheaper than any of the other playground manufacturers for similar equipment.    The Clerk will chase Sovereign for another quotation which excludes the mulch around the trim trail.

It was agreed that the Council will put together a presentation for the Annual Parish Meeting and that the school will be invited to have a look at the proposal at school closing time.

The Clerk reported that the MOD will be offering the Council a two year lease with breaks to enable the Parish Council to buy the Park if they so wish.

Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Hayward reported that 189 hours of voluntary work has been carried out so far in the new kitchen.   As a result of this huge savings have been made.    The next phase of the kitchen is for the plumbing to be done and then a carpenter will be employed to trim and fit the worktops.

Alan Wood has started a crowd funding site for the Phoenix Hall and he has also been successful in a grant application from Tesco. Tesco have awarded grants to three organisations and it is up to the community to choose which one will have the top prize of £4000.   Phoenix Hall is guaranteed £1000, but hope that they will win the top prize!

Cllr. Hayward further reported that the 200 Club has been turned into Phoenix Hall Lottery 200 Club.




  • Tidworth Community Area Board


The Clerk reported that she attended the last Area Board which was very interesting.   There were a couple of very good items of interest and it was well worth attending to hear their presentations.


  • CATG


The Chairman reported that a meeting of the ‘Logo Sub-Committee’ was held and the winner of the art competition was chosen.   The winner was Zoe Linscer and the runners up were the Youth Club.   It was agreed that Zoe would receive a Book Token for £25 and the Chairman would go to the Youth Club to thank them for taking part and give them a big box of sweets as a consolation prize.

Cllr. Mackay reported that ideas from the Art Competition were taken and he has come up with various examples of what would be possible.   These examples were examined at the Council Meeting and the best one voted on as the logo which would be used.  It was agreed to display it at the Annual Parish Meeting to give the village a chance to comment on it.

It was agreed that a meeting will be set up with Gareth Rodgers to discuss the locations of the signs.

The Clerk reported that there is a question of ownership of the sections of road on the south and east of the triangle near the Garage.   The MOD has sent a map of where their road ends which is just before Church Path. Wiltshire Council do not have the sections of road in question on their mapping system.    The Clerk has written asking for this section of the highway to be adopted by Wiltshire Council.



  1. Defibrillator Training

This will be held in the Phoenix Hall on 12th March, 2018 at 7.30p.m.   An advertisement will be put in the Newsletter and on Facebook.

  1. Highways Meeting

The Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. Barker will attend on 1st May at 7.00pm in the City Hall.

  1. Allotment Meeting

The Clerk reported that she has asked permission of the MOD to remove the trees which were planted on the first allotment opposite the Dog and Gun and to make that allotment into a hardstanding for cars for allotment holders.   No answer has as yet been received from the MOD.   The allotment meeting is on Saturday 17th February at 10am.

  1. Dementia Friendly Community Initial Meeting

This is being held on Tuesday, 20th February at 11.00am.

  1. School Travel Plan

The Clerk reported that the Chairman of the Governors is taking this forward and will be arranging a meeting in the near future.

  1. Annual Parish Meeting

At the APM there will be:  A consultation on the Play Equipment for the Millennium Park, a consultation on the village logo and location of the signs and reports from village organisations.



It was RESOLVED to adopt the Standing Orders and Financial Standing Orders as presented by the Clerk.



It was RESOLVED to accept the Health and Safety Policy as presented and review it each year.



  1. Notification of date of Wiltshire Spring Clean.   It was decided not to have a spring cleaning event this year.
  2. Highways Newsletter
  3. Cabinet paper on Everleigh Recycling Centre.   Questions which were asked by CPRE on the possible closure of the Recycling Centre.



  1. Defibrillator outside McColls.   It was decided to defer the decision for replacement defibrillator until after Training.
  2. Complaints about aggregate lorries going through Village.   Clerk to complain.
  3. Cllr. Linscer produced a grant application form which will be used for all local applicants for grants in the future.
  4. Cllr. Burke reported that Peter Thomas has offered his lawn for the Soapbox Challenge.   A meeting will be held on Saturday to look at the viability of the site.



Thursday 8th February, 2018 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall

Annual Parish Meeting, followed by short Parish Council Meeting.

Refreshments will be served at the APM.



It was RESOLVED that in the interest of the public, the next item of business be dealt with as Confidential Business, and the press and public be excluded.