Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall on Thursday 7th October 2021 at 7.00pm
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr. D. Burke | Chairman |
Cllr. R. Ayling | Vice-Chairman | |
Cllr. F. Collison | ||
Cllr. C. Coslett | ||
Cllr. B. Covil | ||
Cllr. D. Jaffrey | ||
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell | ||
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry | ||
Cllr. S. Perry | ||
In Attendance: | Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling | Wiltshire Councillor |
Mrs. Mary Towle | Clerk of the Council |
Dylan Hughes, who is doing his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, attended with his family to ask whether the Parish Council have any community jobs which he can do over the next three months. The Parish Council had several suggestions including: The Library, Cheerful Cuppa, putting up Poppies for Remembrance, helping with Christmas Tree. They are very pleased to support him.
Cllr. Blair-Pilling reported that the monthly Stonehenge Area Board clinics are open to everyone to attend. They are virtual meetings without an agenda so that any subject can be brought up. There will also be a specific topic each month. The October meeting focussed on the Police and Fire with the PCC attending. The November meeting will focus on the current consultation on the next 5 year road resurfacing programme.
There was discussion on the unsatisfactory arrangements for the urgent closure of the A345.
Cllr. Mrs. Panther
Cllr. Coslett declared interest in Agenda item 4.3
The Clerk reported that a paragraph had been left out of the July minutes. It was RESOLVED the minutes be altered and re-issued.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 16th September, 2021 be accepted as a true record.
1 . Authorization of Cheques
The following cheques were approved for the months of September/October 2021:
Payroll £1094.65
Heartbeat Trust – defib pads £62.95
Mrs. M. Towle – garden vouchers, stationery etc £250.71
Mrs. M. Towle – Use of home as office £30.00
Netheravon Newsletter £250.00
Netheravon Day Centre £400.00
Phoenix Hall Booking Clerk £1200.00
2 . Bank reconciliation
Balance of transactions £29,730.89
Uncleared withdrawals £3464.59
Balance in bank £33.195.48
3 . To ratify decision to pay NPC portion to Phoenix Hall for booking clerk
It was RESOLVED to pay £1200 to the Phoenix Hall to cover the Netheravon Parish Council’s portion of the Phoenix Hall Booking Clerk’s annual pay.
1 . Planning
PL/2021/08773 TREE WORKS IN CONSERVATION AREA to crown reduce one maple and one line tree at Old School Close
Parish Council comments: Support
2 . Flooding and Adverse Weather
- It was reported that the gullies along Mill Road need clearing. Clerk to action. The grips are cleared by the Parish Steward every 6 weeks.
3 . Highways
It was reported that Thorne Road and Piggot Close are being repaired later in the month. It was suggested that the Church Car Park and the Phoenix Hall car park could be used by residents if necessary.
4 . CATG
The Clerk reported that there is a CATG meeting on 20th October. . Cllr Ayling agreed to go to this virtual meeting as the Highways representative does not have access to a computer. The application to have the speed limit reduced will be discussed.
Community SpeedWatch Cllr. Jaffray reported that he and Cllr. Panther have undertaken some training.
5 . Cemetery/Enhancement
- It was agreed that the long grass in the Cemetery will be included in the contract and cut on a regular basis next year.
6 . Recreation
- The Clerk suggested that we hold a consultation on the adult outdoor exercise equipment which is proposed for the Millennium Park.
- It was agreed that the Parish Council hold a ‘Netheravon Showcase’ on Wednesday, 17th November from 7 – 9 p,m. All organisations and businesses will be invited.
7 . Allotments
The Clerk reported that she has written to 2 allotments holders in the Dog and Gun allotments asking them to make sure that they clear their allotments of weeds and also she has terminated the agreements of two allotment holders in the Piggot Close allotments as from 31st December.
8 . Phoenix Hall
The Phoenix Hall is gearing up for Autumn and Winter, the heating has just been switched on.
- October bookings are looking positive.
- Cheerful Cuppa is making a welcome return on Tuesdays from 12th October.
- Day Centre has yet to re-start.
- The PHMC has decided to remove the border in front of the windows and lay it to grass, contractors’ quotes are being sought.
- A marketing plan for the hall aimed at a wider audience is being drawn up and will be presented to the PHMC in November. The aim is to improve booking income in 2022 c.f. 2019
- The PHMC is aware that the wall between the PH and the back gardens of houses on the High Street is in need of repair.
Charles Coslett, Chairman, Management Committee
9 . Rights of Way
The Clerk reported that she has finished the design of the School leaflet. It will be going to the printers in the near future.
10. Jubilee Committee
There is a Committee Meeting on 13th October, 2021
Stonehenge Community Area Board
The next meeting will be on 16th December and will be a face to face meeting. Cllr. Burke agreed to attend.
Virtual Stonehenge Community Area Board ‘Clinics’
Cllr. Burke attended the last meeting. The main topic was Policing and the Fire and Rescue Service.
Cllr. Ayling reported that he and the Clerk had met with a resident to talk about and understand the issues for disabled people in Netheravon. It was a very productive meeting with agreement that items will be put into the Newsletter and on facebook concerning obstructions on pavements, a list will be made and given to the Clerk of obstacles of concern for wheelchair users, and better access to the Millennium Park will be investigated.
- There will be a working party to put up Poppies on 31st October at 9 am.
- The Clerk will get quotations for next meeting for Mugs for children 11 years old and under to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee.
- The Clerk reported that she will be meeting someone from the MoD on site to discuss the proposed Platinum Jubilee Wood.
- It was agreed that prizes will be given once again to winners of the Advent Window competition and the best Christmas Front Garden.
- Thank you letters have been received from Citizens Advice Bureau and the Netheravon Newsletter for donations received.
- The Clerk was asked to price a new outside heated box for the McColl’s defibrillator.
- Cllr. Burke will ask McColls if it would be possible to move the defibrillator to the front of the shop so it will be more visible.
Thursday 11th November, 2021 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall.