Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 14th March, 2024 at 7.00 p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. R. AylingChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. A. Bridewell
Cllr. A. Brown
Cllr. C. Coslett
In Attendance:Cllr. Ian Blair-PillingWiltshire Councillor
Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council



Apologies received and accepted from:

Cllrs: Peter Mackay, Brian Covil, Pam Perry, Steve Perry



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th February 2024 be accepted as a true record.




1 .    Authorisation of Cheques


It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for February/March 2024.

Mary Towle – A Board, stationery etc £195.37
Mary Towle – anti virus tune up £78.87
Payroll £1014.78
Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00


2 .    Bank Reconciliation

The Balance at the Bank as at 14th March, 2024 is £14834.57




1 .   Planning

Cllr. Coslett reported that there is 1 planning application for consideration:

PL/2024/08709 FULL PLANNING APPLICATION for 2 four bedroom houses at land at corner of Pigott Close/A345
Parish Council Comments:  Object

The Netheravon Parish Council Planning Committee held a meeting on 5th March, 2024 to discuss it’s approach to the appeal by the applicant to the refusal of application PL/2022/08709.   This was for the construction of 2 detached 4-bed houses on the land at Pigott Close.   Wiltshire Council refused permission, and the applicant appealed to the Planning Inspectorate.   During the process the applicant resubmitted plans, and that action has allowed NPC and residents to comment on the resubmitted plans.   The new plans were not of high quality and would not pass the standard required were Wiltshire Council to consider the application rather than the Planning Inspectorate.   Despite all the alterations to the original plans NPC strongly objected to the development direct to the Planning Inspector.   Details of the objection are available from the clerk.





  • An email has been received from a resident of Pigott Close concerning parking in Pigott Close. The resident is worried that people are parking too close to the junction with the A345 which will be much worse when the development is being built. The resident also points out that parking generally along Pigott Close is a problem.
  • It was RESOLVED to reply saying that if more residents come to the Parish Council with complaints about parking they can facilitate a meeting with residents to talk about some resolution with the difficult parking. It was also RESOLVED that the Parish Council would not support yellow lines anywhere in the village.
  • All emails have been forwarded to Councillors for their information




It was agreed that the Clerk would order 8 hanging baskets for the High Street this year.

The Clerk reported that the glass has been replaced on the Village Clock

The Clerk reported that she has had a meeting in the Millennium Park with Landmarc to discuss the 9 Ash Trees which have to be felled. These will be done later in the year as the ground is very marshy at the moment. The willow tree will be pollarded at the same time.




The next meeting of the Netheravon Parish Council will be on 11th April, 2024.