Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 13th September 2018 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. F. Collison
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B. Covil
Cllr. R. Hayward
Cllr. A. Linscer
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
In Attendance:Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council
2 members of the public


Cllr. Blair-Pilling reported on the Electoral Review Consultation by the Boundary Commission.   The Boundary Commission have ruled that there will be 98 Wiltshire Councillors who are responsible for 4291 people give or take 10% of that total.   This will result in re-jigging the parishes to make this fit. Cllr. Blair-Pilling wanted to know whether Netheravon Parish Council have a preference for being attached to Tidworth, Pewsey or Amesbury.   There was a consensus of opinion that Netheravon has more in common with Amesbury and would therefore prefer to be part of that area.


Ian Blair-Pilling reported that plans were well underway for the Centenary events.   They include:

  • A book has been written by a local man called ‘Village Soldiers’ which will be printed and on sale.
  • A digitised map is being produced, sponsored by a local firm
  • The School has plans for all years and will culminate in an exhibition in the Phoenix Hall
  • There will be a reception to launch the book in the Phoenix Hall
  • There will be a Curry Lunch at the Working Men’s Club after the Remembrance Service
  • There will be large personalised poppies displayed in the villages
  • Laying of poppy crosses by school children after church service on 9th November
  • Silhouettes Treasure Hunt


Mr. David Jaffrey attended to introduce himself to Councillors as he would like to become a Parish Councillor.   His application will be discussed in Confidential Business.



Apologies were received from: Cllrs. Trevor and Lesley Barker



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th July, 2018 be accepted as a true record.


  1. Authorization of Cheques

The following cheques were approved for the months of April/May/June 2018:

Payroll £1065.87

Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00

David Burke - gravel £50.00

Square Meter Media - website £243.96

Luke Rawlins – Old Wilton Cart Track £60.00

Phoenix Hall Hire £10.00

Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60

Payroll £1022.22

Use of home as office £30.00

PKJ Littlejohn Auditors £240.00

Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60

Mrs. M. Towle – Viking direct £59.86

Cardiac Science £1092.00

Total: £4303.11


  1. Bank reconciliation


Balance in accounts: £25,600.10


  1. It was RESOLVED that a donation of £50 be given to the Bridge Club


  1. It was RESOLVED that a donation of £50 be given to the Exercise and Dance Class.


  1. Conclusion of Audit

The Clerk reported that the Audit has been concluded.   All paperwork has been put on the Noticeboard and Website.   The comments by the Auditor have been noted.


  1. Planning

Cllr. Burke reported that there are no planning application for the months of August and September.


  1. Flooding and Adverse Weather

Cllr. Linscer reported that the Emergency Plan is nearly ready for input from other people.  He commented that extra emergency equipment is required i.e. two-way radio and wet weather gear. .


  1. Highways

Nothing to report


  1. Cemetery/Enhancement

The Clerk reported that the trees from Woodland Trust will be arriving during November.   It was agreed that the trees will be planted in the first week in December.   A call for volunteers to help plant will be put in the Newsletter.    The week prior to the planting a scheme for planting will be staked out.

It was agreed that plants for the Cemetery and the Library can be funded.


  1. Recreation

It was agreed that there will be an opening party for children when the new play equipment is installed in the Millennium Park.   The ‘brig’ will be called Millennium Rose and the Clerk will get a nameplate made.   The Youth Club will be asked if they could help with the party.   Date to be announced on Facebook.


  1. Allotments

Cllr. Covil reported that he will be putting insulation around the standpipes on the allotments.

  1. Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Coslett reported that the kitchen is almost finished and will be ready for the grand opening on 29th September from 11am to 3pm.   He also reported that there will be a Race Night on 16th November this year.


Proposal to build a storeroom at the rear of the Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Coslett reported that the Phoenix Hall Management Committee have been given the opportunity to apply for a grant from Plain Action for 80% of the cost of a new storeroom for the Hall.   This would leave 20% for the two Councils to fund out of a possible Public Works Loan Board loan.

The Parish Council agreed in principle that a storeroom could be built, but not to the detriment of the Youth Club project.  They did not agree to give the Management Committee any money to further this application.


  1. Rights of Way

The Clerk reported that the Old Wilton Cart Track has been cut again and is looking very good.   Cllr. Hayward asked that the Wiltshire Council Rights of Way Warden is requested to look at it with a view to the Parish Council funding a regrade of the byway which is very rutted.

The Clerk will speak to the MOD Conservation Officer again about the field which is very rich in wild flowers with a view to managing it as a Conservation Area.


  1. Soapbox Challenge

Cllr. Burke reported that the Soapbox Challenge was a great success.   There were 10 soapboxes and great fun was had by all!   He would like to convey thanks to all the people who helped make it a success and especially to Peter Thomas for letting the Parish Council use his front lawn for the event.




  • Tidworth Community Area Board


The next Area Board is on 17th September in the Memorial Hall, Ludgershall.


  • CATG


Cllr. Linscer promised that the design for the Village Gateway will be ready shortly.



1. The Clerk reported that the new defibrillator has been put in position outside McColls.   It has been accredited by SWAST.   Now it is not owned by SWAST it is important that the monthly checks are done.   The Clerk will do the reporting online and will draw up a rota for inspections.



  1. Community Policing Report - All Councillors have received this by email
  2. Jones Court.   The Clerk has written to the Property Management Company and the rubbish has been removed and the grass cut.
  3. Citizens Advice – asking for a donation.   To be put on the Agenda next month
  4. WALC Newsletter – All Councillors have received this by email




  1. The Clerk reported that the problem with the ditch in Lower Road is ongoing and she is in touch with Wiltshire Council and Landmarc to try to resolve the situation.
  2. The fence on the vacant allotment at Pigott Close is falling down.   Clerk to ask the Village Handyman to remove it.
  3. The Clerk reported that she is having a meeting with the School to talk about having a ‘treasure hunt’ with the children to find the names on the silhouettes.   She willarrange for children to put the poppy crosses on the graves in the Churchyard and the Cemetery.   The Clerk will also contact Choulston Farm to get access to the Baptist Cemetery.
  4. Cllr. Collinson reported that the footway light in Downside Road has been repaired   He also reported that some motorcycles which were not road legal were going along the A345 and onto the Plain.   He was advised to ring the Police on 101 if he sees that happening again.
  5. Street lights nos 2 and 3 are faulty in Choulston  Farm Road. Clerk to report.



Thursday 11th October, 2018 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall



It was RESOLVED that in the interest of the public, the next item of business be dealt with as Confidential Business, and the press and public be excluded.



It was RESOLVED that David Jaffrey be co-opted onto the Parish Council.