Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 13th June 2019 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr. D. Burke | Chairman |
Cllr. A. Linscer | Vice-Chairman | |
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker | ||
Cllr. T. Barker | ||
Cllr. F. Collison | ||
Cllr. C. Coslett | ||
Cllr. B. Covil | ||
Cllr. D. Jaffrey | ||
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell | ||
In Attendance: | Cllr. I. Blair-Pilling | Wiltshire Councillor |
Mrs. Mary Towle | Clerk of the Council |
There were no members of the public present.
Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling reported that:
- Wiltshire Council are managing their finances well. At the end of the year there is an underspend.
- Three people who helped with the aftermath of the poisoning in Salisbury were mentioned in the Queens Birthday Honours
- Paths for All has got off to a good start. The three parishes in the Avon Valley have formed a group called the Avon Valley Rights of Way Group and have already held a meeting prior to a Steering Group Meeting.
No apologies were received.
There were no Declarations of Interest
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May, 2019 be accepted as a true record.
1 . Authorization of Cheques
The following cheques were approved for the months of May/June 2019:
Mrs. M. Towle, stationery, plants, tubs etc £618.73
EnfordAV Youth Club £150.00
Hurdcott Landscapes £319.60
WALC subs £422.26
Phoenix Hall £3850.00
Landmarc – BMX track £50.00
BHIB Insurance £723.85
Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60
RGV allotment tap £162.00
Andrea Linscer £50.00
Cllr. Covil – mileage £28.20
Mary Towle, plants, compost etc £74.24
Charles Coslett, Bits & Pieces – compost, mileage £123.90
Music in the Park – First Aid £270.00
Payroll £1082.49
Mrs. M. Towle – Glasdon, parts for bench £37.90
Mrs. M. Towle, use of home as office £30.00
Wessex Water – Pigott Close £250.64
Wessex Water – Dog and Gun £14.23
Community First £40.00
Mrs. M. Towle – compost and plants £17.97
Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60
Totals £8715.21
2. Bank reconciliation
Balance to agree with bank statement: £25,158.29
3. Bank Mandate
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Andy Linscer will become a signatory and that Cllr. Trevor Barker be removed.
4. Picnic Bench for Millennium Park
It was RESOLVED to purchase a picnic bench for the Millennium Park. The Clerk agreed to apply to the Area Board for a grant to help pay for two benches.
1 . Planning
19/05350/TPO WORK TO TREES WITH TPO - T0156 - Beech tree - reduce stem above storm damaged wound by 5m & remove one limb. T0168 - Lime tree & T0176 - Lime tree - remove epicormic growth to 6m.T0169 - Lime tree & T0170 - Horse Chestnut tree - crown lift to 4m. T0172 - Lime tree & T0174 - Lime tree - remove epicormic growth to 6m & crown lift to 3m. T0178 - Sycamore tree - remove epicormic growth to 5m & remove storm damage
Parish Council Comments: No objections
2 . Flooding and Adverse Weather
- The Clerk reported that she has sent a redacted version of the Emergency Plan to Wiltshire Council for comment.
- The Clerk reported that the emergency store will be operational shortly
- The Ditch, Lower Road The Clerk reported that the senior flood engineer has emailed that “it has now been proved the ownership is within Netheravon House, to which the Estate management company are in discussions with their client. The Parish Council cannot do anymore to help the situation.
3 . Highways
Cllr. Jaffrey reported that several people in Harefield Crescent are concerned that the new signs are causing people to turn into Harefield Crescent. The Chairman explained that the signs are part of the scheme to reduce speed on the road.
The Clerk will find out the date of next CATG meeting so that the Highways representative can attend to ask for a metro-count.
4. Cemetery
Netheravon in Bloom
The Chairman mentioned that the tubs and hanging baskets are in situ. They are looking very nice and he hopes that it will encourage people to make their own gardens attractive.
It was agreed to have a meeting at the Cemetery before the next meeting on 11th July, 2019. Councillors to meet at the Cemetery at 6.30pm
5 . Recreation
The Chairman reported that the picnic bench has been repaired.
BMX track
Cllr. Linscer reported that he has been monitoring the BMX track and there is no evidence of adults using it. He will continue to monitor it.
6 . Allotments
The Clerk reported that there was a leak in the pipe at the Pigott Close allotments. This has been repaired, however Wessex Water has sent the Parish Council a large bill for water wasted. The Clerk was asked to appeal this charge.
7 . Pheonix Hall
Cllr. Coslett reported:
- The AGM of the Phoenix Hall went well, despite the Chairman’s longwinded report. It was attended by 4 members of the public. The finances showed a trading deficit of £1,350 for 2018-2019 when looking at regular outgoings vs. regular hiring.
- Currently the bank account stands at £10,048, the hall has had the first tranche of money from the Parish Councils. £3,500 is earmarked already (£1,500 booking clerk, £1,000 shelving invoice, £1,000 for the recovered chairs invoice). Included in the total is the £1,050 that the Hall has had from the Coop fund so far.
- Priorities remain: heating in the main hall, fire door replacement in main hall, carpet in committee room, lockable back store.
- The Management Committee has agreed new hire rates from September, regular users will be informed soon of how this affects them.
- Pleased to report renewed interest from hirers, there is current interest from an Army Apprenticeship Training body, a potential painting class, and a Childrens’ Book group / come reading fun group on Saturdays. The PTFA has started a school’s parent coffee afternoon on Fridays. The booking diary is looking healthy at the moment, although it is expected to be quieter over the summer months.
- New storage racking shelves have been put up in the store room courtesy of the £1,000 grant from TAB. The kitchen fire door has been repainted.
- We have heard that the Phoenix Hall will not be getting a National Lottery Grant for a permanent replacement for the NPC shipping container. The Management Committee will look at other ways of providing storage if possible.
- To remind councillors and villagers that the committee has registered our Hall with Amazon Smile. This means that 0.5% of all purchases, by those who have chosen our Hall as their charity, will be paid by Amazon to the Phoenix Hall as a donation. [Always start your shopping by going to smile.amazon.co.uk and not the usual amazon.co.uk site.] On first visit you will need to choose the Phoenix Hall (it is under the name Netheravon Fittleton and Haxton Village Hall, registered charity number is 1003542). I encourage all local Amazon shoppers to register the Hall as their chosen charity, it costs the buyer nothing extra, so please shop from smile.amazon.co.uk .
8 .Rights of Way
Avon Valley Rights of Way Group
The Clerk reported that as the result of a successful workshop at the Tidworth Area Board, the Parishes of Enford, Fittleton and Netheravon agreed to form a group to look after, improve (by making them accessible to all) and maintain the Rights of Way in the Parishes. We also decided to make circular routes using the Rights of Ways and to publish leaflets describing them to encourage people of all ages and abilities to walk for their health and enjoyment. We especially would like to involve young people to design waymarks and help illustrate maps for information boards and leaflets. Information will be put in the Newsletters including Enford and on facebook to attract people to join the group.
Tidworth Community Area Board
The next Area Board is on 18th July, 2019. Cllrs Burke and Linscer will attend.
VE DAY 75 – 8th May 2020
The Jubilee Committee will be taking the lead on the celebrations.
Suggestions include:
- Street party with enactment group
- Showing of film 1917
- There should be an open meeting for the village to encourage more people to help and to get more ideas
- Policy Review. The Clerk reported that the Standing Orders need reviewing. It was RESOLVED that the shorter plain English version will be adopted after some up to date information is included. The full version issued by NALC is contained in the Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold Baker which can be referred to at any time.
- It was agreed to ask a local farmer to fill the Casual Vacancy on the Council.
- It was agreed that the Clerk should arrange training for Defibrillator/CPR. Initially she will approach the NHS.
- Neighbourhood Watch AGM is on 11th July which is the same date as the next Parish Council Meeting so no one will be able to attend.
- The Community Police Newsletter has been received and a copy has been emailed to all Councillors.
There were no General Parish Matters
Thursday 11th July, 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall.