Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 13th April 2017 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr Barker T | |
Cllr Barker L | ||
Cllr Burke | ||
Cllr Collison | ||
Cllr Covil | Vice Chairman | |
Cllr Hayward | ||
Cllr Howard | ||
Cllr Mackay | ||
Cllr Mitchell | ||
Cllr Tighe | Chairman | |
In Attendance: | Mr Austin | Clerk to the Council |
Apologies: | Cllr Beecher | |
Wiltshire Police | ||
WO1 Morris | MOD Liaison Officer | |
Members of the Public: | 1 |
The following submitted their apologies about non-attendance at the meeting:
Cllr Beecher
WO1 Morris
Wiltshire Police
None declared.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th March 2017 be accepted as true and accurate.
Proposed – Cllr Burke
Seconded – Cllr Mitchell
Memorial for Mr Dyer – Separate item under General Parish Matters.
Salt bins – Have been procured and delivered at a cost of £403.63. One will be positioned in Wains Way. The other will be behind the Phoenix Hall for general Parish use.
The report from Cllr Howard is attached to these minutes.
The Parish Council thanked Cllr Howard for his support and wished him well for the future as he is stepping down after the May elections.
The local Police summary was available at the meeting for anyone wishing to read it. The clerk can provide further details if anyone wishes them.
Cheques authorised since the last meeting:
Mr Austin Salary – March £453.21
Mr Furnival Salary – March £42.44
Mr Phillimore Salary – March £115.00
HMRC – February £128.40
Hurdcott – grass cutting – February £199.60
WALC Planning Training £114.00
2nd Bulford (St Leonards) Scout Group £50.00
Landmarc Support Services (Allotment) £180.00
Landmarc Support Services (Bus Shelter x2) £30.00
DL Stevens Mole Control £45.00
Mr Hayward (Youth Club storage) £143.91
Current Funds
At 31st March 2017, the Parish Council Funds stood at £14204.62
Precept Feedback Comments
The Chairman gave a summary of the intentions of the Parish Council for the forthcoming financial year with several major projects in mind.
New Applications
- 17/00801/FUL - 638 Pigott Close Netheravon, Proposed 2 storey side extension – Approved with conditions.
- AWF and Stewardship
Cllr Hayward in the meeting of 9th March 2017 noted that a bow of a tree was down in the Millenium Park and tasked the clerk to arrange it’s removal. This has been reported to DIO as they are the land owner, under reference number 88210. DIO will assess what action is necessary.
Cllr Burke reported that there were no significant problems associated with adverse weather during the winter period.
- Enhancement and cemetery
The Chairman commented that he continues to liaise with the MOD (DIO) regarding the extension of cemetery and fencing.
The Clerk was tasked with costing the refurbishment of the benches in the cemetery.
- Tidworth Community Area Board
The Chairman attended on 13th March and reported there were no significant matters that affected the Parish.
Tidworth Area Community Awards – this was discussed at the previous meeting and a nomination was suggested. This was actioned by the Clerk.and the nominee has received a letter inviting him and his family to the awards ceremony.
- Tidworth Community Area Partnership
Nothing to report
Cllr Barker T gave an update on the kitchen planning control approval and the clerk stated he would action the application with the appropriate fee.
Storage – Gazebo’s. The Cllrs to visit kitchen/storage area to discuss how to store the Gazebos. It was proposed that they be placed into racking storage to save space. Cllr Burke also suggested that it may be possible to utilise the roof space within the hall for storage.
Nothing to report.
- Parish Council Elections – 9 nominations were received for 10 positions and thus there is no requirement for local election for Parish Councillors.
- Mr Dyer Memorial – The memorial arbor for Mr Geoff Dyer has been installed in the cemetery. There will be a dedication on Tue 25 Apr 2017 11:30am with Parish Councillors and Mr Dyers family present.
- Parish Clean up – A road sweeper has been requested to sweep the High Street and Mill road.
It was suggested that the Parish holds a bi-annual clean up day.
It was noted that the sides of the main roads in the village need a deep clean/weed removal. Cllr Covil was asked to see if the Parish Steward would take on this role.
Cllr Hayward commented on the number of issues outstanding along the road from Wains Way to the Airfield Camp, which falls to Aspire.to maintain. The Clerk stated he would contact the TCAP clerk to see if he could assist in moving things forward.
- Traffic Calming – Cllr Mackay gave an overview on progress with traffic calming measures. He has a meeting with the CATG and will take ideas forward from there.
- Village Notice Boards – Cllr Burke stated he is looking into the costs of providing an additional two notice boards to promote village activities.
- Parish Council Cabinets – Cllr Hayward stated he might be able to secure two filing cabinets for £50 for council document storage as the Youth Club was now using one of the council’s secure cabinets. This was discussed and RESOLVED.
Proposed – Cllr Hayward
Seconded – Cllr Tighe
- Memorial to Mrs Sue Sutcliffe – Cllr Tighe reported the sad news that Mrs Sutcliffe has passed away. He suggested that a suitable plaque could be provided in an appropriate location to remember her contribution to the Parish. This was discussed and will be taken forward at the next Parish Council meeting.
- Request to use Millennium Park – Mr Grant Hardy of the Dog and Gun has requested that on Tuesday evening biker night to use the Millenium Park for overnight camping. Charge £5 per tent. This was discussed. The clerk remarked that the Parish Council does not won the park; it is rented from DIO and he would approach DIO with the request. Considerations were potential noise, community response and the provision of suitable amenities to support camping.
Date of next meeting:
11th May 2017 (which will be the Parish Council AGM, to be held within 14 days of the date of elections on Thu 4 May 17.)
Annual Parish meeting – not a Council meeting held before 1 June 17 – Invited local business/guests to speak.