Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 12th June 2018 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. T. BarkerChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker
Cllr. F. Collison
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B. Covil
Cllr. R. Hayward
Cllr. A. Linscer
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
In Attendance:Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council
2 members of the public


A member of the public spoke and had two points to make:  

  1. Would it be possible to have a Scarecrow trail in Netheravon  
  2. He wanted to compliment the Cheerful Cuppa as a good initiative in bringing the community together.


Cllr. Blair-Pilling reported:

  • He has called a meeting of the Chairmen in his constituency to discuss issues in the villages
  • Electoral Review – the Boundary Commission has delayed their decision on the number of Councillors until August
  • The is a consultation on Special Needs Schools in Wiltshire
  • Outdoor Centres – closures are delayed until the end of the year
  • There is a change in planning law to enable developers to get PiP (Planning in Principle) for developments of 9 dwellings or less accepted in a short time scale.
  • There is a consultation for the proposed closure of Everleigh Recycling Centre.



Peter Mackay gave his apologies. The Chairman announced that Peter has resigned from the Council due to pressure of work.



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th May, 2018 be accepted as a true record.



  1. Authorization of Cheques and balance

The following cheques were approved for the months of April/May/June 2018:

Hurdcott Landscapes £319.60

Cllr. – mileage £22.50

Leaving present for M. Furnival £39.00

Payroll £872.26

Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00

Water2Business - allotments £22.90

Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60

WALC - subs £426.14

Phoenix Hall – planning £10.00

Mrs. A. Linscer – internal audit £50.00

Payroll site £89.70

RVG – standpipes allotments £222.00

BHIB – insurance £698.39

MOD – BMX track £50.00

MOD – water for cemetery £12.00

Viking Direct £70.15

Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00

Payroll £943.44

Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60

Phoenix Hall - hire £10.00

Total: £4317.28

2. Bank reconciliation

Balance in accounts: £32,729.41



  1. Planning

Cllr. Burke reported that there is one planning application for the month of June.

  • 18/05741/TCA Trees in Conservation Area 30% Crown Reduction to Sycamore, Fell 1 hawthorn and Reduce 1 Overhanging Hawthorn to Boundary at 2 Vicarage Gardens

   Parish Council Comments:


  1. Flooding and Adverse Weather

Cllr. Covil reported that more work is needed to the drains in the High Street.   The Clerk will chase the Wiltshire Council drainage and flooding team to find out who owns the ditch and culverts.   Cllr. Burke has spoken to the owner of Cormayles who has confirmed that he does not own the ditch.

The Clerk reported that all blocked the surface water drains have been cleared in Mill Road.

  1. Highways

Cllr. Covil reported that he has asked the Parish Steward to strim the grass along Lower Road.

The trees along Lower Road are overhanging and obscuring visibility.   The owner will be asked to cut them back.

  1. Transport

Cllrs. Barker and Linscer agreed to take over Transport from Peter Mackay

  1. Cemetery/Enhancement

It was reported that the new Cemetery Groundsman has made a good start with the Cemetery.   He has planted flowers around the border of the Garden of Remembrance and has put tubs in various places around the Cemetery.

It was reported that several councillors took part in a working party to tidy up the green and to strip the ivy from the tree.   The weeds have now been cleared back and new gravel will be ordered to replace the gravel under the seat.   The Cemetery Groundsman will be asked to clean and repaint the seat.

The Clerk reported that the hanging baskets outside the Library have not been filled this year.   She agreed to find out if the Library Volunteers normally fill them.

  1. Recreation

a. Cllr. Linscer reported that the Lottery Grant has been received to improve the toddlers area in the Millennium Park.   A competition will be run in the Newsletter to find the best name for the ‘Brig’ – the winner will open the new facilities.   The contractor has promised that it will be done by the beginning of the school holidays.   The Clerk will chase them up for dates.   She will also get bunting, balloons and a plaque from the National Lottery.

b. The Clerk stated that the Millennium Park is still very wet.   The southern end has been left long as instructed

c. The BMX track needs tidying up.   It is not used for BMX anymore, but could be tidied and made into a nice place for people to walk.   It could be a ‘nature reserve’ which was the dual purpose when it was originally taken on.

d. Court Farm Playground.   The edging of the safety surfacing needs attention.   The Clerk to ask Graham to look at this.

  1. Allotments

The Chairman reported that there has been a meeting with all concerned including the MOD and Landmarc in connection with the trees in the Dog and Gun allotment area.   There is now disputed ownership and the MOD are consulting their records to try to resolve the situation.

The Clerk reported that there is a very overgrown allotment in the Pigott Close area.   The allotment holder has given up his allotment, but not removed his possessions or tidied up the allotments.   The Clerk was given permission to charge him for the year and ask him to tidy up and remove the weeds as per his contract.

  1. Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Coslett reported that at the AGM he was made Chairman of the Phoenix Hall.  He said that it is clear that the Phoenix Hall is not covering costs, but that a lot of hard work has been done recently to apply for grants and also fundraising to help with the necessary projects to help keep the Phoenix Hall viable.   The Committee is very small and more volunteers and elected members are needed.  The Hall needs to be used more and there is an effort to attract more organisations to use the facilities.   When the kitchen is finished the Hall will be more attractive to potential hirers.   The kitchen is almost there and when it is finished there will be an open day with everyone invited to have a look at the great work which has been done by a band of volunteers.  

He will be calling a meeting of the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of Netheravon and Fittleton Parish Councils to talk about the future of the Hall.

  1. Rights of Way

Cllr. Hayward reported that the Old Wilton Cart Track has been cut and that the Milestone on Old Marlborough Road, Sidbury Hill has been repaired.

  1. Soapbox Challenge

Cllr. Burke reported that there has been a lot of interest in the Soapbox Challenge.   The RGV soapbox is now on the Green with bunting to advertise the event.   It has appeared in the Stonehenge Trader, on Facebook and on the Parish Council website.   At the moment there are 6 soapboxes which are being built or have been built.




  • Tidworth Community Area Board

The Chairman reported that he, Lesley and Mary attended the last Area Board which was very interesting.   There were a couple of very good items of interest and it was well worth attending to hear their presentations.   The next meeting will be at on Monday, 23rd July.


  • CATG

It was agreed that a silhouette of a parachute should go on the village sign because of difficulties with getting permission to use the Royal Flying Corps wings.

The Clerk will ask Peter Mackay for the file he has built up on the sign.



It was RESOLVED that the Code of Conduct attached to these minutes be adopted.



  1. Poppies to Commemorate the fallen of WW1

It was agreed that we would produce a large poppy for each person who died in WW1.   Cllr. Coslett will do a survey of the High Street to decide where they should go.   It was agreed that the Clerk will apply for a grant from the Army Covenant Fund for silhouettes for the Parish benches.

  1. War Memorial

The Clerk reported that she has obtained a quotation for the renovation of the War Memorial.   After consideration it was agreed that it was too costly at the moment, but could be budgeted for in the future.



  1. Letter from Cllr. Wood asking for permission to erect a golf safety net in the Netheravon Millennium Park so that he can teach young people to play golf.   As it is Council policy not to allow golf on the Millennium Park, this request had to be turned down.
  2. Consultation on the proposal to close Everleigh Recycling Centre.   It was agreed that everyone should answer the consultation on www.wiltshire.gov.uk and that the Clerk in addition will send a letter from the Council.



  1. It was reported that Jones Court is in a mess.   The Clerk was asked to contact the Agent concerned to ask that it be cleaned up.
  2. Cllr. Collison complained that the trees owned by Aster Group at Downside Road alongside the A345 are overgrown and need trimming.
  3. Cllr. Collison also reported that the chain link fence alongside the A345 in Downside Road needs attention.
  4. It was reported there are potholes in Lower Road.



Thursday 12th July, 2018 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall.