Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 12th January, 2023 at 7.00 p.m.
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr. R. Ayling | Chairman |
Cllr. D. Burke | Vice-Chairman | |
Cllr. A. Brown | ||
Cllr. F. Collison | ||
Cllr. C. Coslett | ||
Cllr. B. Covil | ||
Cllr. P. Mackay | ||
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry | ||
Cllr. S. Perry | ||
In Attendance: | Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling | Wiltshire Councillor |
Mrs. Mary Towle | Clerk of the Council |
Cllr. Richie Ayling gave an update on the Community Larder as Hedge Burley could not attend. It has been an outstanding success. Hedge has been overwhelmed by donations from the public and many people have used it. In the spring a Community Allotment will be started and some of the produce from that will be put into the larder for people to help themselves.
We have three ‘Warm Spaces’ in Netheravon. The Library on Mondays and Thursdays from 1-5pm, the Cheerful Cuppa on Tuesdays from 10-12noon and the Working Men’s Club on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
The report by Cllr. Blair-Pilling was emailed to all Councillors.
Cllr. Blair-Pilling agreed to chase the problem of the long grass at the corner of Whitmarsh Close.
Cllr. Ayling thanked everyone who turned up on two very cold Saturday mornings to erect the Christmas Tree and dismantle it a month later. The tree looked lovely. Cllr Ayling also thanked Cllr. Mackay for reading the lesson at the Carol Service in the Church.
The Chairman reported that five organisations and people from Netheravon were recognised for their community work with a Wiltshire Area Board Achievement Award. They were: Cheerful Cuppa, the Day Centre, Dylan Hughes as a young volunteer, David Burke for being an Exemplary Parish Councillor, and Mary Towle as Community Champion.
Alan Brown was welcomed on to the Parish Council. He signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Apologies were received from Cllr. Maureen Mitchell
There were no Declaration of Interests
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2022 be accepted as a true record.
1 . Authorisation of Cheques
It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for October/November 2022.
Hurdcott Landscapes £226.36
Payroll £1589.58
Mrs. M. Towle – Use of home as office £30.00
David Burke – Christmas decs £49.57
Mrs. M. Towle – Christmas Tree £85.00
Mrs. M. Towle – Community Larder £226.80
Payroll £1057.98
SSE £54.51
RGV – Allotrment tap £90.00
Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00
Mrs. M. Towle – fence post MP £156.47
Mrs. M. Towle – stationery £85.88
Wicksteed Leisure £325.50
Hurdcott Landscapes £226.36
SSE – village clock £56.03
Phoenix Hall £37.00
Landmarc – Millennium Park £440.00
2 . Bank Reconciliation
The Balance at the Bank as at 1st January, 2023 is £23,221.05
It was RESOLVED that the precept requirement for 2023/24 be £26,960.00 which is £70.94 on a Band D property.
1 . Planning
Cllr. Coslett reported that there is 1 new planning application
PL/2022/09467 FULL PLANNING PERMISSION for single storey rear extension partially replacing conservatory. Enlarge loft conversion. At Claremont, Court Farm Road.
Parish Council Comments: No objections
2 . Flooding and Adverse Weather
Cllr. Burke reported that has checked the culvert under the road which seems to be clear, but will further check it from the field at the weekend. Cllr. Coslett volunteered to help.
3 . Highways (plus Parish Steward)
Cllr. Covil reported that the Parish Steward has been in the village recently and has filled potholes and cleared the grips along Mill Road. Cllr. Perry reported that the gullies have been cleared by the big machine.
The next meeting is on 1st February, 2023 by MS Teams.
5 . Cemetery /Enhancement/Community Larder
It was agreed to order pre-planted hanging baskets this year.
Posters for the Community Larder have been designed and will be ordered shortly.
6 . Recreation
The Clerk reported that the post has been ordered for the Jubilee Gate and will be fitted shortly.
New basket seats have been fitted for the infants in the Court Farm Playground. A new poster has been designed and will be ordered shortly. The Clerk reported that the safety surfacing needs cleaning.
7 . Allotment
It was agreed that an item be put into the Newsletter asking for volunteers to help with the Community Allotment.
8 . Rights of Way
Nothing to report.
Representatives on other groups:
a . Phoenix Hall
Finances show a current bank balance of £14349.48 with an additional £6000 on deposit.
The income for year since April 2022 is £7665.50.
Maintenance and Improvements
During the cold spell in the middle December 2022 the hall water tank in the loft froze, this was due to the small heater not cutting in when the temperature dropped. Luckily the hall was being PAT tested and thee electrician with David RGV were able to sort it out. RGV have been requested to purchase a new heater for the hall.
We are in the process of obtaining quotes for the fire exit door in the main kitchen and a permanent ramp at the front of the hall.
Looking ahead
We are pleased with the number of bookings and inquiries we are getting for the hall but can always improve the use of the hall especially by the villagers.
Steve Perry, Chairman
b . Stonehenge Area Board
The next Stonehenge Area Board will be on 30th March. Cllr. Ayling agreed to attend.
c . Jubilee Committee
The Chairman reported that there will be a committee meeting next week to appoint a new Chairman and to decide on how the Village will celebrate the Coronation.
Cllr. Ayling thanked Ian Blair-Pilling for all he has done for the Village during his time as Chairman of the Jubilee Committee.
REPORT by the Clerk
- The Clerk asked for numbers of people who would like to attend the Annual Dinner which will be at the Dog and Gun on 16th February.
- The Clerk asked that anyone who notices that someone new has moved into their area to let her know so that she can send them a Welcome Pack.
- The Clerk informed the Council that she is trying to get the street lights put back on along Choulston Farm Road and Wains Way. She is chasing this.
The Chairman reported that there has been various email communications concerning the bonfire in the old MOD Yard. The Yard has been cleared and there will be no further bonfires.
All email correspondence from Wiltshire Council has been forwarded to Councillors
- Cllr. Coslett reported that he is investigating making new poppies for the telegraph poles.
9th February, 2023 at 7.00pm in the Phoenix Hall.