Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 11th September 2019 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr. D. Burke | Chairman |
Cllr. A. Linscer | Vice-Chairman | |
Cllr. B. Covil | ||
Cllr. F. Collison | ||
Cllr. C. Coslett | ||
Cllr. D. Jaffrey | ||
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell | ||
In Attendance: | Mrs. Mary Towle | Clerk of the Council |
- A member of the public complained about the parking on the grass area and pedestrian walkways outside the Dog and Gun. The Chairman informed the resident that the Council has written to the Landlord asking them to take measures to stop inconsiderate parking. The Council has also written to Wiltshire Council asking for their policy on parking on grass amenity areas.
- A member of the public complained about the state of some allotments. The Chairman informed the resident that the Council will be doing an inspection shortly and will write to the allotment holders concerned.
REPORT BY PCSO Jonathon Akehurst
PCSO Akehurst reported that the police are taking reports of hare coursing very seriously and are following up all sightings. He has noted the vandalism of the village gateway signs but feels it is unlikely that the culprit will be caught.
The parking outside the Dog and Gun was brought to PCSO Akehurst’s attention and he promised to visit the pub when he is in the area and to put advisory parking notices on the cars which are parking inconsiderately. He also agreed to look into doing possible speed checks along the A345.
Apologies were received from Cllrs: Lesley and Trevor Barker and Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling
There were no Declaration of Interests
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th July, 2019 be accepted as a true record.
1. Authorization of Cheques
The following cheques were approved for the month of September 2019:
M J Bolter – emergency store £960.00
Payroll £1041.44
Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60
Mrs. M. Towle – Use of home as office £30.00
Mrs. M. Towle £19.97
RGV Engineering £78.00
Wessex Water – allotments £250.64
Peter George – clock bezel £50.00
Mrs. M. Towle – misc £102.03
Payroll £1033.23
Day Centre £400.00
Newsletter £250.00
Hurdcott Landscapes £199.60
Luke Rawlins – RoW cuts £230.00
Mrs. M. Towle – Stationery £40.78
LexisNexis – Local Council Administration £110.99
2. Bank reconciliation
Balance to agree with bank statement: £17,040.67
1. Planning
19/06093/FUL FULL PLANNING APPLICATION to construct timber framed garage at 107 High Street.
19/05891/TCA TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA Tree work at Paddock House, High Street.
19/07996/FUL FULL PLANNING APPLICATION to construct a single storey rear extension at 14 Harefield Close.
Parish Council Comments: Support application, but comment that the proposed porch is out of keeping with the rest of the Close and the planning committee queried whether it is in front of the building line.
19/08490/TCA TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA Tree work at Southwold, High Street.
Parish Council Comments: Support
2. Flooding and Adverse Weather
- The Clerk reported that the emergency store is operational and full of emergency equipment. She has ordered a sign with a phone number to ring for the padlock combination.
- RGV will be collecting a pallet of salt from the Highpost on 1st November.
3. Highways
- The Chairman reported that the village sign on the south of the village has been damaged. This has been reported to Wiltshire Council and the police.
- Parish Steward will be asked to strim along the railings in Lower Road.
- Cllr. Covil and the Parish Steward will try to find the drain in the layby south of the village which is blocked up with road materials causing flooding.
4. Cemetery/Enhancement
- The Clerk will order pansies and daffodil bulbs for the tubs for the winter.
- We will have a working party on 26th October at 9.00am to put up the poppies
5. Recreation
- The Clerk reported that Cllr. Maureen Mitchell and herself have planted wild flowers in the Millennium Park.
- The ROSPA inspection will be carried out shortly
6. Allotments
- The rent has been increased from 30th September 2019
- Complaints have been received about the state of some allotments. It was agreed to have an inspection and then the Clerk will write to allotment holders with untidy allotments reminding them of their agreement.
- It was agreed to investigate the installation of troughs for water instead of the taps.
7. Phoenix Hall
Finances show a current bank balance of £5847.
August income was £357 (£310 in 2018), and outgoings were £1550 (£1110) a trading deficit. August is often a quiet month, but insurances and fire extinguisher checks fall due this month.
The Toddler Group has moved to Airfield Camp where they have been offered the use of the hall there and storage facilities for no rent. This is something that the PH cannot compete with.
New hire rates have been implemented.
The PHMC is undertaking a wide-ranging program of renovation and upgrading of facilities. Our immediate maintenance priorities remain:
- New heating for the main hall.
- New emergency exit doors for the main hall.
- New carpet for the committee room.
We have funds to do the heating, and a firm has been engaged, with a promised completion before the end of September. This replaces the current system with a more efficient version using similar appliances. A move to remote-controlled system, and therefore more cost-effective long term was not affordable.
The PH has funds for the emergency door replacement if it uses the 200 Club monies and the balance of funds from the Coop fund. The funds for the new carpet have been promised by a further grant from Aspire Defence from January 2020 onwards.
The PH is seeking ways to mitigate its electricity bills for the future. Solar PV panel quotes have been obtained. These are currently beyond the scope of PH finances, even at 50:50 funding with a TAB grant. We are looking at a Small Lottery Grant to fund the £8-9000 required.
We plan to replace the front door lock in October. There will be notices put up to advise users of current keys that it will no longer work. A £10 deposit for the new ley will be mandatory.
A find raising event of a Race Night will be held on Saturday 1/2/20.
To remind councillors and villagers that the committee has registered our Hall with Amazon Smile. This means that 0.5% of all your purchases, if you have chosen our Hall as your charity, will be paid by Amazon to the Phoenix Hall as a donation. [Always start your shopping by going to smile.amazon.co.uk and not the usual amazon.co.uk site.] On first visit you will need to choose the Phoenix Hall (it is under the name Netheravon Fittleton and Haxton Village Hall, registered charity number is 1003542). I encourage all local Amazon shoppers to register the Hall as their chosen charity, it costs the buyer nothing extra, so please shop from smile.amazon.co.uk .
Charles Coslett, Chairman, Phoenix Hall Committee
8. Rights of Way
Avon Valley Rights of Way Group
The Clerk reported that there had been a very good meeting of the Rights of Way Group. It was agreed to create circular walks, one of which would be short so that the School will be able to join in as part of their geography curriculum. The School are very keen to be included in the Group to do some mapping and illustrations for the leaflets. A date has been set for a mapping exercise to look at possibilities for walks. A date has also been set for a working party to clear undergrowth along NETH2 and to remove a redundant kissing gate. The kissing gate will be used elsewhere on the route.
9. Jubilee Committee
It was reported that there will be a meeting in mid-October to discuss VE75 and how Netheravon and Fittleton will mark the occasion.
The next Jubilee Committee meeting will be held on 19th November 2019.
- Tidworth Community Area BoardThe next Area Board is on 23rd September. Cllr. Linscer will attend.
- It was agreed to ask St. John Ambulance if they can do CPR Training
- It was RESOLVED to approve the Health and Safety Review, Complaints Procedure and the Disciplinary and Grievance Arrangements. These can be found on the website: www.netheravonparishcouncil.co.uk
It was RESOLVED to apply to Wiltshire Council and the Boundary Commission to have a change of Parish boundary to include Netheravon Cemetery, Kerby Avenue, Choulson Close and the Playing Fields. The Clerk to write to Figheldean Parish Council to inform them of the application.
It was agreed that the Chairman will ask the suggested candidate if he would like to become a Councillor.
- Letter from St. John Ambulance asking for a donation. It was agreed to give a donation.
- Wiltshire Search and Rescue ask for a donation. It was agreed to give a donation.
- Wiltshire Council briefing note on Changes to arrangements for dealing with Code of Conduct Complaints - by email
- WALC Newsletter – by email
- Highways Newsletter – by email
- Confirmation by the MOD that they are responsible for the ditch at Lower Road - by email
- Police Newsletter – by email
- Review of Core Policy meeting on 18th September – Cllr. Burke to attend
- Standpipes at allotments – Cllr. Covil and Cllr Burke to have a meeting at allotments to look at them.
- Cllr. Coslett reported that the footway lighting from Old Post Office Lane to the Dog and Gun is not adequate.
- The Hedge along Old Post Office Lane needs cutting back
- A question was asked about the RA Museum. The Clerk reported that as far as she knows negotiations with the terms of a lease are still ongoing with the DIO.
Thursday 10th October, 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall.