Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 11th October 2018 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. T. BarkerChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker
Cllr. F. Collison
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. R. Hayward
Cllr. A. Linscer
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
In Attendance:Cllr. I. Blair-PillingWiltshire Councillor
Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council


Cllr. Blair-Pilling reported that:

  • The decision has been taken that Everleigh Household Recycling Centre will close
  • The recommendation to the Boundary Commission is that he will be responsible for Netheravon, Fittleton, Enford, Figheldean, Milston, and Larkhill and the preferred name would be Avon Valley and Larkhill.   This would mean that Netheravon would become part of the Amesbury Area Board if the recommendation is accepted by the Boundary Commission.
  • At the next Area Board meeting which will be held in Netheravon, there will be a presentation on Rights of Way


There were no members of the public present.



The Chairman welcomes David Jaffray to the Council and he signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.   Cllr. Jaffray will be attending a Councillors training course in the near future.



Apologies were received from: Cllr. Charles Coslett



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th September, 2018 be accepted as a true record.



  1. Authorization of Cheques

The following cheques were approved for the months of September/October 2018:

Bridge Club donation £50.00

Dancing and Exercise Class donation £50.00

Phoenix Hall Hire £10.00

Steele Signs £814.80

Payroll £1042.33

Use of home as office £30.00

Andyvan – equipment for Phoenix Hall £895.18

Jubilee Committee – WW1 £480.00

  1. Bank reconciliation

Balance in accounts: £34,931.75


  1. It was RESOLVED that a donation of £111.55 be given to the First Responders


  1. It was RESOLVED that a donation of £50 be given to the Citizens Advice Bureau.


  1. Youth Club

The Clerk reported that she has been asked by the Youth Club to help with grant applications.   The Council agreed that the Clerk has their support.



  1. Planning

Cllr. Burke reported that there are no planning application for the months of September and October.


  1. Flooding and Adverse Weather
  • The Clerk reported that she has had a meeting with a Wiltshire Council Drainage Officer.   He has promised that the Vactor will come to Netheravon in the near future to clear the drains in the High Street.   He is also chasing the MOD about the ditch along Lower Road.
  • There is a Flood Wardens meeting on 17th October which Cllr. Covil has agreed to attend.
  • Cllr. Linscer reported that the Emergency Plan is nearly ready for input from other people.  He commented that extra emergency equipment is required i.e. two-way radio and wet weather gear.


  1. Highways

The Clerk reported that the logo has been sent to Wiltshire Council for the Netheravon Gateway signs.


  1. Cemetery/Enhancement

The Clerk reported that the trees from Woodland Trust will be arriving during November.   It was agreed that the trees will be planted in the first week in December.   A call for volunteers to help plant will be put in the Newsletter.    The week prior to the planting a scheme for planting will be staked out.

The Clerk reported that there has been a suggestion that we have a Netheravon in Bloom competition next year.   Early in the New Year a working group will be meeting to organise this.   Something will be put in the Newsletter asking for willing volunteers.

The Village Handyman will be planting wallflowers outside the Library for winter colour.   It was agreed that Queensway could have a flower tub for next season.


  1. Recreation

It was reported that because of the delay in delivery of the slide for the ‘Brig’ the playground will now be finished in early November.

Cllr. Linscer reported that a bench in the Millennium Park has been destroyed.

The Clerk reported that the BMX track is being used and the young people are keeping it clean and tidy.


  1. Allotments

There is a quantity of wood on the vacant allotment at Pigott Close.   Clerk to ask Enford if they would like it on their bonfire.


  1. Phoenix Hall

1. We held a successful open day on 29th September to mark the opening of the new kitchen.  Thanks to sterling efforts from RGV we met deadlines for commissioning of the equipment.  Building Control report is still awaited, but we are hopeful of having that soon.

2. The redecoration has gone very well, we tried to accommodate hirers as best we could, and the main hall and entrance areas now look fresher and brighter.  The grant from Aspire and some raffle money paid for this.  We have heard from Aspire’s representative that they encourage our application for more grants to repaint the other hall rooms/loos etc in 2019.

3. The PH is getting busier, and bookings are increasing, which is all good news.

4. The school start to use it for cookery lessons from early November, helping us achieve a real community-wide use of our hall.

5. Future events include our Race Night on 16th November.  We plan to cook for ourselves for the evening in the new kitchen, and therefore make more money than using hired-in outside caterers.  We are however looking for a volunteer to run the kitchen on the night. Offers to Roger Hayward please.

6. The Management Committee have outline plans for a store extension, following NPC’s “in principle” approval last month.  Details are to be finalised, but our plan is to replace the inadequate shipping container and get a space equipped for the 21st Century for our community.  All this for only £11,000 of parishioner’s money paid for over a few years. 80% of the costs coming from EU funded grants that are, of course, time limited!  Urgent decisions may be required by this council.

7. Access to our community hall is very wide, previous regimes kept no record so we have no idea of key holder numbers or names.  It is likely that we will change the door lock and initiate a key deposit system that funds the cost of the door lock change.  Our insurers may otherwise question our cover.

Proposal to build a storeroom at the rear of the Phoenix Hall

The Chairman stipulated that the Council must have firm quotations for the storeroom before they can consider it.

  1. Rights of Way

The Clerk reported that she has asked the Wiltshire Council Rights of Way Warden to look at Byway 3 and to give advice on how to tackle the ruts.




  • Tidworth Community Area Board


The next Area Board is on 26th November in the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon.  The Cheerful Cuppa will provide refreshments.



  1. The Clerk reported that the silhouettes and the poppies have arrived.   A working party will be arranged to place them around the Village.   The Clerk to order hanging basket brackets for the poppies.
  2. The Clerk asked all the committees to consider what they would like to do next year and to give her a figure to put into the budget.




  1. Highways Newsletter - All Councillors have received this by email
  2. The Clerk reported that she has written to the Electoral Review Committee with the views of the Parish Council.
  3. Communication from WALC who would like to put 4% on the subscription to pay for HR Consultants.   It was agreed not to support this.



  1. Cllr. Hayward reported that the street lights in Choulston Farm Road are still not working.   Clerk to chase.
  2. There will be a working party on 3rd November to tidy up the War Memorial area.
  3. The Chairman reported that he has received a thank you letter from the Dance and Exercise Class for the donation received.
  4. Cllr. Collinson asked if there are any plans to improve the Mill Road turning.
    Cllr. Blair-Pilling replied that there are no plans at the moment.
  5. Cllr. Blair-Pilling reminded Councillors that the Book and Website launch will be on 10th November in the Phoenix Hall.



Thursday 8th November, 2018 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall