Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 11th January, 2024 at 7.00 p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. R. AylingChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. A. Bridewell
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. P. Mackay
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry
Cllr. S. Perry
In Attendance:Cllr. Ian Blair-PillingWiltshire Councillor
Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council


Cllr. Ayling thanked Councillors for all their hard work in the community especially the volunteers who put up and decorated the Christmas Tree which brightened up the Village. Unfortunately it got blown over in a storm and had to be put up again and redressed. Thank you to everyone who helped. Also, thank you to the emergency team for putting up signs when the High Street flooded and for putting down ice when the water logged pavements froze. There was also a working party to tidy up the BMX area and put up notices and the Chairman thanked the volunteers who turned up on a cold morning to do that for the young people.


Cllr. Blair-Pilling:

  • Thanked Cllr. Burke for putting out warning signs along the High Street in the recent period of adverse weather.
  • Reported that the Parish Steward is concentrating on potholes and clearing grips
    He reported that the speed limit trial is going well, but is concerned that the police have not assessed the SpeedWatch position yet.
  • Cllr. Blair Pilling reported that he is doing his best to get the potholes filled in along Choulston Farm Road.
  • He explained that the Tax Base for Netheravon has gone down because of the increase in households in Netheravon claiming Council Tax Reductions.


No members of the public were present.



Apologies were accepted from Cllr. Covil and Cllr. Brown



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th November 2023 be accepted as a true record.




1 .    Authorisation of Cheques


It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for Oct/Nov 2023.

Hurdcott Landscapes £698.84
Phoenix Hall £44.00
Amesbury Printing £98.35
RGV Allotment taps £60.00
Mary Towle – tree present stationary £250.00
Daryl Spreadbury fence and seat MP £300.00
PKF Littlejohn - Auditors £252.00
Poppy Appeal £100.00
Water2Business – allotments £148.42
Pam Perry – peat £8.49
Payroll £993.94
Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00
Payroll £947.05
Adam Corkery £18.84


2 .    Bank Reconciliation

The Balance at the Bank as at 11th January, 2024 is £16233.99


3 .   Budget 2024/2025

It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £28,562 for the year 2024/2025. This equates to £75.52 for Band D property. Budget attached.




1 .   Planning

Cllr. Coslett reported that there is 1 new planning application:

PL/2023/10201 LISTED BUILDING CONSENT Removal and rebuilding of section of Cobb Wall at Manor Farm
Parish Council Comments:  Support

Cllr. Coslett reported that there is currently an enforcement notice for the former mink farm.


2 .   Flooding and Adverse Weather

Cllr. Burke reported that the aftermath of the recent wet weather was flooding in the High Street at the triangle area. This was caused by the large amount of run off from the Plain making the ditch at Lower Street at a level so that the storm drains could not drain into it. Cllr. Burke put out notices warning drivers and when the pavements froze Cllr.Brown put salt down. The properties at risk were Dairy Cottage, Paddock House and Mill Cottage. The Clerk was asked to order ‘ice’ signs, gel bags and salt from Wiltshire Council.

3 .    Highways

Cllr. Richie reported that an application for funding from LHFIG has been made for signs at the Harefield Crescent bus stop. The next meeting is on 7th February at 10.00am.

4 . Cemetery/Enhancement/Netheravon in Bloom

It was agreed to have a working party at the Cemetery to plant trees and at the corner of Stagg’s Lane to clean the milestone on 17th February at 9.00am.

5 .  Recreation

The Chairman reported that a meeting at the BMX track was held on 2nd December to make a start in tidying the area and putting up do’s and don’ts notices. No young people attended.

6 .   Allotments

A meeting will be arranged to discuss the possible reduction in size of an allotment in the Piggott Close allotment area.

Community Allotment

Cllr. Richie reported that the Community Allotment has been cleared and manure spread for the winter.

The Community Larder

The Community Larder was well used over Christmas with 5 local families being supported by generous donations from residents.

7 .    Rights of Way

Nothing to report.




a .    Phoenix Hall

Finances show a current bank balance of £12219.76 With an additional £6062.43 on deposit.

The bookings total for this year is currently £10957.10
For the first 7 months, we are up by £1243.60 or 11.5% on last year.

Bookings for the last 3 months of the year are up by £165. Bookings for next year are coming in.
The bookings total for November 23 was less than November 22 due to an exceptional number of hires in 2022. December was a great success up by £487 on December 22.

Maintenance and Improvements
Following the heavy use of the hall over December no maintenance was needed.

Looking ahead
The hall committee is going to run a race night on the 2nd February. All tickets have been sold.
The hall committee are hoping to resurface the car park in the next financial year. They asked that the Parish Council could budget money to help with the cost. The Parish Council agreed to this.

Steve Perry, Chairman

b.    Jubilee Committee

Nothing to report. No events planned.

c.  Stonehenge Community Area Board

The next meeting is on 29th February at Antrobus House. The Chairman to attend.

d.    All Saints School

Cllr. Andy Bridewell has had a very productive meeting with the Head and the Chairman of the Governors. It is hoped that a School Council will be formed.

e.    Netheravon Speed Watch

Cllr. Mackay read out a comprehensive report on the Community Speedwatch Team activities. They have put up a second SID south of the Court Farm Road turning and facing north. This has the facility for turning it round to face south in the future. They are waiting for the police assessment which should happen shortly which will mean that the Team will be able to operate from that area. Cllr. Wright is chasing the police to get things moving.

The Chairman is disappointed that the police have not as yet done a speed assessment. He asked that the Clerk write to Philip Wilkinson PCC to try to move things along. The Clerk was also asked to write a thank you letter to Cllr Graham Wright for all his help



  • A meeting of Newsletter volunteers has been arranged
  • There has been no reply to the request for a community orchard
  • The glass for the Village Clock is proving difficult to obtain. Mr. Peter George is doing his best to source someone who can cut the beveled glass
  • The Parish Council Annual Dinner will be on 12th February at the Dog and Gun



All emails have been forwarded to Councillors for their information

A thank you letter has been received from the Day Centre for the donation from the Parish Council
Letter from Carer Support, Wiltshire asking for a donation. £100 was agreed. To be ratified at the next meeting.



There were no General Parish Matters



8th February, 2024. 7.00pm in Phoenix Hall