Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 11th April, 2024 at 7.00 p.m.

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Parish Councillors Present:Cllr. R. AylingChairman
Cllr. D. BurkeVice-Chairman
Cllr. A. Brown
Cllr. C. Coslett
Cllr. B.Covil
Cllr. P. Mackay
Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry
Cllr. S. Perry
In Attendance:Cllr. Ian Blair-PillingWiltshire Councillor
Mrs. Mary TowleClerk of the Council
Mr. S. O’GradyMember of the public


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including the Wiltshire Councillor and a member of the public. He thanked everyone who came to the Annual Parish Meeting in March and he observed that it is obvious that there is a small pool of residents who volunteer and keep the village vibrant and it is heart warming that these people give up their time to help others.


Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling reported:

  • There has been a cabinet reshuffle and he is now responsible for communities
  • There will be a new version of MyWilts coming out shortly
  • The Highways meeting was very well attended
  • Household Support Fund is still operating for the next 6 months, but after that funding will run out
  • There is no news concerning Pigott Close planning application


Stephen O’Grady attended the meeting to talk about why he is interested in becoming a Parish Council and what he will bring to the Council.

The Chairman thanked him very much for coming and informed him that his application will be discussed at the end of the meeting in Confidential Business.



Apologies received and accepted from:

Cllr. Andy Bridewell



There were no Declarations of Interest



It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2024 be accepted as a true record.




1 .    Authorisation of Cheques


It was RESOLVED to approve the cheques for March 2024.

Hurdcott Landscapes £244.42
MOD Bus Shelter and Allotments £260.00
Peter George – Village Clock £190.00
Payroll £999.15
Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00
Phoenix Hall – refreshments for APM £39.00


2 .    Bank Reconciliation

The Balance at the Bank as at 31st March, 2024 is £14834.57




1 .   Planning

Cllr. Coslett reported that there are no planning applications for consideration:

PL/2024/01847 TREE WORKS IN CONSERVATION AREA at All Saints School, Netheravon

2 .   Flooding and Adverse Weather

Cllr. Burke had nothing to report

3 .  Highways and Parish Steward

Cllr. Covil reported that the Parish Steward has been clearing gullies and grips and potholes where he can.

Cllr. Mackay reported that he and the Clerk had attended a Highways Meeting at Figheldean Village Hall. Priorities from the villages were highlighted, the trial speed limit at Netheravon was discussed, and two people from National Highways reported on the closing of the A360 in preparation for the building of the tunnel.

4 . Cemetery/Enhancement/Netheravon in Bloom

  • It was agreed that £20 be given for plants for each village tub
  • It was agreed that the Netheravon Front Gardens would not be judged this year

5 .  Recreation

Nothing to report

6 .   Allotments

It was reported that the large allotment in Wexland Avenue is now vacant. It was agreed that the Clerk would make enquiries about the re-allocation of the allotment. The Clerk will contact the MOD about the trees from the copse which keep falling into the allotment.

7 . Community Allotment and Community Larder

The Chairman reported that the allotment is being planted with seeds for cropping in the summer. The larder is being used extensively.

8 .    Rights of Way

Nothing to report.




a .  Phoenix Hall Steve Perry, Chairman.

Finances show a current bank balance of £13236.62 With an additional £6082.10 on deposit.

The bookings total for this year is currently £6305.72
This time last year we set out to try and acquire a surplus on income over expenditure, I’m pleased to say we achieved this.

The surplus for the year was £514.26 bookings was up by 6.7%

If we had not replaced the main kitchen door and purchased a new cooker which cost us £1557.00 the surplus would have been £2071.

The accounts have now been sent to the auditors.

Maintenance and Improvements

New clocks have been purchased for committee room and main hall

Looking ahead

As normal Friday nights has the most availability

b.    Jubilee Committee

Nothing to report

c.  Stonehenge Area Board

The next meeting is on Thursday, 13th June, 2024.

d.   All Saints School Liaison

Nothing to report

e.    Netheravon Speed Watch Group

Cllr. Coslett reported that the SpeedWatch Group have been borrowing Enford’s speed camera and have been out at Court Farm Road. He reported that in 1.5 hours over 500 cars passed and 6 cars were doing over 47 mph. The group have been out 4 times in the last week.

f.  D-Day80 at Washdown

Cllr. Richie reported that plans are underway for the commemoration. Shrewton Silver Band will play at 8.15pm followed by the proclamation which will be read by the RSM from Upavon. The last post will be played by a local resident Tim Eyles which will be followed by the lighting of the Beacon by the CO of Upavon Camp

There will be a bar and a food van on site.

It was agreed that £100 be allocated for expenses at the lighting of the beacon. To be ratified at the May 2024 meeting. Cllr. Burke agreed to provide a portaloo.

g.  Newsletter

It was reported that Susan Birks has taken on the role of compiler of the new newsletter. A draft newsletter will be ready for inspection at the end of April, with the first new newsletter being published sometime in June.



  • The Clerk reported that the Coronation Orchard grant fund application form is very onerous and complicated probably aimed at professional horticulturists in Town Councils.
  • All allotment holders have been invoiced
  • Platinum Jubilee Walk signpost. Cllr. Ayling agreed to design sign
  • PCSO attended the Cheerful Cuppa. She intends to come to the next Parish Council Meeting
  • The police would like to organize a bike marking session for teenagers with bicycles. It was suggested that the Parish Council sponsor this with a grant for buying lights and give aways for the people who attend. Could be held at the Church Fete.
  • The Clerk reported that the playground at Old School Close has been closed by Wiltshire Council. She has asked Cllr. Blair-Pilling to look into this as it is believed that they are going to refurbish the area.




  • An email has been received from a person who is in the process of buying Triton House in the High Street concerning the cob wall which borders the houses along the High Street and the Phoenix Hall car park. She has replied that steps were taken in the past to get it rebuilt with all parties contributing to the cost, but the residents of the houses were not willing to spend the money so a fence along the wall in the car park was installed as a safety measure.
  • Wiltshire Search and Rescue. It was agreed to give a donation of £100 to be ratified next meeting.
  • All general emails have been forwarded to Councillors for their information



No General Parish Matters



It was agreed to co-opt Stephen O’Grady as a Netheravon Parish Councillor



The Chairman reported that interviews were held and a new Clerk was appointed. She is Debbie Corbett who is well known in the Village for all her voluntary work. It was felt that she would be an ideal person to take one the role of Clerk to the Council.



The next meeting of the Netheravon Parish Council will be on 9th May, 2024. Annual General Meeting