Minutes of the Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall on Thursday 10th September 2020 at 7.00pm
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Parish Councillors Present: | Cllr. A. Linscer | Chairman |
Cllr. D. Burke | Vice-Chairman | |
Cllr. F. Collison | ||
Cllr. C. Coslett | ||
Cllr. B. Covil | ||
Cllr. T. Gerrard | ||
Cllr. D. Jaffrey | ||
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell | ||
Cllr. S. Perry | ||
In Attendance: | 2 Members of the Public | |
Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling | Wiltshire Councillor | |
Mrs. Mary Towle | Clerk of the Council |
Two members of the public attended to apply to be co-opted onto the Council to fill the casual vacancy. They gave the Members a short resume of their reasons for wanting to be on the Council. The Chairman thanked them very much for coming and showing interest in the work of the Council. He told them that their application will be decided in Confidential Business at the end of the Meeting.
Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling submitted a full report by email which all members of the Council had received. He also made the following point:
- Finances: There is the possibility that the tax base will be lowered which will impact on the calculation of the Netheravon Parish portion of the Council Tax.
- In answer to a question from the Chairman, Cllr. Blair-Pilling informed the Council that the Netheravon Library should be opening shortly.
- There is no clear guidance at the moment as to whether the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial will be able to go ahead, or whether the Parish Council can continue to hold meetings in the Phoenix Hall.
No apologies for absence were received
Cllr. Jaffray declared an interest in Agenda item 8. He signed the Interest Book.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd July, 2020 be accepted as a true record.
a) Balance at bank is £21,330.69
b) It was RESOLVED to approve cheques from April 20 to July 20 as follows:
Mrs M Towle - Bin bags £23.38
c) Approval of Quotation for BMX gate
It was RESOLVED that up to £500 be spent to provide a fence and gate for the BMX track
d) Approval of Funding for prizes for Netheravon in Bloom
It was RESOLVED that £220 be spent on garden vouchers for the prizes.
e) S.137 spending on present for McColl staff
It was RESOLVED that £240 in Dog and Gun vouchers be given to McColl staff in appreciation of the work in keeping the shop open through lockdown.
1 . Planning
Cllr. Burke reported that no planning applications have been received:
2 . Flooding and Adverse Weather
- Cllr. Linscer reported that Cllr. Gerrard has looked over the draft Emergency Plan. It can now be taken forward and completed. It was agreed that two-way radios might be an asset in an emergency and they could also be used at other village functions. Snow shovels and stiff brooms should be available in the Emergency Store.
- It was agreed to have a working party to have a look at the flooding issue in the layby and to try to find the drain.
- It was reported that the grit bins are full of salt which has solidified. Clerk to action.
3 . Highways
- The Clerk reported that Thorne Road will be resurfaced in the next financial year.
- The Clerk also reported that she has requested a metro count along the A345.
4 . Cemetery
- It was agreed to cut down 2 trees in the Cemetery. Clerk to action.
- The whips which were planted during lockdown are growing well.
5 . Recreation
Cllr. Linscer reported:
- There is a RoSPA inspection in September.
- It has not been possible to locate any chalk at the moment for the BMX track.
6 . Allotments
The Clerk reported that all allotments have now been taken and there are two people on the waiting list.
7 . Rights of Way
The Clerk handed out two leaflets for walks which have been completed as part of the Paths for All project. The Clerk suggested that a working group should be formed to keep Rights of Way clear. She will put something on Facebook asking for volunteers.
8 . Netheravon in Bloom
Cllr. Coslett has judged the Netheravon in Bloom Competition. The results have been published. The Clerk has made the Certificates and she will buy garden vouchers for the winners. These will be delivered and presented by the Chairman.
9 . Jubilee Committee
Nothing to report
Representatives on other groups:
a . Phoenix Hall
Our Hall continues to be open, albeit without many paying hire events. We miss our regular clubs and groups such as Youth Club, Day Centre, Cheerful Cuppa etc. The announcement last afternoon by HMG means that social gatherings of more than 6 people are unlawful. This will put further strains on these clubs being able to reopen in the short term. In my opinion it will not prevent them operating, as cafés for example, but will require them to restrict movements between groups within the event. This may be seen as impractical by those running the sessions.
The impact of this is that the Phoenix Hall will continue to have almost no hire income as we start the Autumn and Winter seasons, where our costs also rise dramatically (mostly electricity). For example, in the second half of 2019 the hall’s hire income was in the region of £6,000. It is likely to be less than £500 this year.
Current bank balance stands at £12,974 but the PH has yet to receive the first tranche of funding from NPC, it has had FPC funds for the year. Since my last report, the PH has had a further payment from Amazon Smile charitable fund, and I would urge parishioners to buy goods through this web site, part of the Amazon.co.uk empire, to help fund our hall.
The hall is a Covid-19 Secure Building. Hand sanitizer points are in every suitable place. It is a requirement now for anyone visiting the hall to wear a face covering when entering the hall or when moving about. It is not required if you are sat at a table.
Continued plans for an improved facility include changing the window curtains to blinds (easier to clean and take up less usable space). The ramp to the front door is on hold pending a review on future income trends.
At time of writing, it is still hoped that the already-delayed AGM can take place in the hall next week (Thursday 17th September, 6.30pm for drinks, 7.00pm for meeting) under socially distanced rules, as it is required to continue to enable the legal functioning of the committee.
Please use www.smile.amazon.co.uk if you buy from Amazon - it will help your village hall.
b . Tidworth Area Board
REPORT by the Clerk
- The Clerk reported that she has had a meeting with Wiltshire Council, Street Scene to look at the untidy hedging at the corner of Vicarage Gardens. Wiltshire Council have agreed that some of the hedging can be taken out to provide a space for the Community Seat. Clerk will visit neighbouring households to gauge their opinions and if there is a positive reaction will ask the NPC grass cutting contractor to do the work. It was agreed that a bench which mirrors the bench outside the Library will be bought by the Parish Council and the money claimed back from the ‘Masks for All’ organisation in due course.
- It was suggested that the Parish Council, on behalf of the Community, should show their appreciation to the staff of the local shop who worked all through lockdown. It was decided that a voucher from the Dog and Gun would be given to the staff. The Clerk was asked to confirm that it is a proper use of council funds.
After note: We can spend money which is a Free Resource under s137 of the Local Government Act 1972. One of the things we can use money for is:
Recognition of exceptional or outstanding public service
It was agreed that a letter be sent to David Sheppard thanking him for cutting the grass, baling it and removing it, in the Millennium Park free of charge.
- WALC Newsletter
- Police Newsletter
The problem of speeding and lack of signs along the A345 was raised again. Clerk to find out when the next CATG meeting is being held.
8th October 2020
It was agreed to ask Richard Ayling to become a member of the Netheravon Parish Council.